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Image chemical/x-molconn-Z PIV particles in lab
Top view of the eddies generated by an unstable baroclinic current in rotating tank
Image chemical/x-molconn-Z PIV vorticity in lab
Vorticity field (red: cyclonic/ blue: anticyclonic) of an unstable baroclinic current over a flat bottom
Image PIV vorticity (over steep slope)
Vorticity field (red: cyclonic/ blue: anticyclonic) of an unstable baroclinic current over a steep shelf. Same initial condition as previous image (flat bottom) but with a bottom slope corresponding to a topographic parameter To= -1.3.
File Movie: unstable baroclinic current (flat bottom)
Vorticity field (blue: anticyclonic/ red: cyclonic) of an unstable baroclinic current over a flat bottom. The vorticity was computed from PIV performed on the UME-LMD rotating plateform.
File Movie: unstable baroclinic current (steep slope)
Vorticity field (blue: anticyclonic/ red: cyclonic) of an unstable baroclinic current over a steep bottom slope (To= -1.3). The vorticity was computed from PIV performed on the UME-LMD rotating plateform.