WP 1 - Project coordination
Financeur du programme
programme national
The coordination of research and outreach activities will include: i) the organization of exchanges between all participants, seminars and interdisciplinary training courses, ii) the networking with stakeholders (ZABrI and OSU-IUEM; public territorial development and management board of the Elorn (SBE-Elorn) and Aulne (EPAGA-Aulne) watersheds; “Parc Naturel Régional d'Armorique” (PNRA); Scientific and Cultural Mediation at the Océanopolis Museum), iii) the implementation of the data management plan, iv) the valorisation and dissemination of results and the training-research implication.
Coordinateurs: Aurélie Penaud, Clara Valero, Clement Lambert , Jill Sutton, Jérôme Goslin, Mélanie Raimonet, Raffaele Siano, Yves-marie Paulet
Contributeurs: Agathe Larzillière, Aude Leynaert, Axel Ehrhold, Céline Liret, Evelyne Goubert, Gaspard Delebecq, Jean-Baptiste Pressac, Jean-Marc Derrien, Kenneth Mertens, Lucas Bosseboeuf, Mathias Rouan, Muriel Vidal, Nathalie Rey, Nolwenn Le Gac, Olivier Ragueneau, Pascale Nicol, Philippe Jarnoux, Philippe Masquelier, Philippe Pondaven, Pierre Ailliot, sabine SCHMIDT, Sidonie Revillon, Xavier Bade