Biogéochimie marine - Sociologie politique des sciences - Sciences de la soutenabilité
Directeur de Recherche 1ère classe
Biogéochimie marine - Sociologie politique des sciences - Sciences de la soutenabilité
Directeur de Recherche 1ère classe
Laboratoire LEMAR
Chibido et Discovery
02 98 49 88 71
Liste des publications de rang A
(Chapitres d’ouvrage tout en bas)
Bretagnolle, V., M. Benoit, M. Bonnefond, V. Breton, J. M. Church, S. Gaba, D. Gilbert, F. Gillet, S. Glatron, C. Guerbois, N. Lamouroux, M. Lebouvier, C. Mazé, J.-M. Mouchel, A. Ouin, O. Pays, C. Piscart, O. Ragueneau, S. Servain, T. Spiegelberger, and H. Fritz. 2019. Action-orientated research and framework: insights from the French long-term social-ecological research network. Ecology and Society 24(3):10. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-10989-240310
Rabouille, C., B. Dennielou, F. Baudin, M. Raimonet, L. Droz, A. Khripounoff, P. Martinez, L. Mejanelle, L. Pastor, A. Pruski, O. Ragueneau, J-L. Reyss, L. Ruffine, J. Schnyder, E. Stetten, M. Taillefert, J. Tourolle, K. Olu, 2019. Carbon and silica megasink in deep sea sediments near the Congo Canyon. Quaternary Science Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.07.036
Muelbert JH, Nidzieko NJ, Acosta ATR, Beaulieu SE, Bernardino AF, Boikova E, Bornman TG, Cataletto B, Deneudt K, Eliason E, Kraberg A, Nakaoka M, Pugnetti A, Ragueneau O, Scharfe M, Soltwedel T, Sosik HM, Stanisci A, Stefanova K, Stéphan P, Stier A, Wikner J and Zingone A (2019) ILTER – The International Long-Term Ecological Research Network as a Platform for Global Coastal and Ocean Observation. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 6:527. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00527
Lambert, C., Penaud, A., Vidal, M., Klouch, K., Gregoire, G., Ehrhold, A., Eynaud, F., Schmidt, S., Ragueneau, O., et Siano, R., 2018. Human-induced river runoff overlapping natural climate variability over the last 150 years: palynological evidence (Bay of Brest, NW France). Global And Planetary Change, 160 : 109-122.
Abbott, B., Moatar, F., Gauthier, O., Fovet, O., Antoine, V., et Ragueneau, O., 2018. Trends and seasonality of river nutrients in agricultural catchments: 18 years of weekly citizen science in France. Science of the total Environment, 624: 845-858.
Ragueneau, O., Raimonet, M., Mazé, C., Coston-Guarini, J., Chauvaud, L., Danto, A., Grall, J., Jean, F., Paulet, Y.-M., et Thouzeau, G. (2018). The impossible sustainability of the Bay of Brest? Fifty years of ecosystem evolution, interdisciplinary knowledge construction and key questions at the science-policy-community interface. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5: 124. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00124.
Danto, A., Mazé, C. et Ragueneau, O. (2018). Sur le terrain de l’océanographie politique. Sciences Sociales de l’Information, 57(3) : 448-475.
Mazé C., Guarini J., Danto A., Lambrechts A., Ragueneau O. (2018). Dealing with impact. An interdisciplinary, multi-site ethnography of Environmental Impact Assessment in the coastal zone. Natures Sciences Sociétés, 26(3) : 328-337.
Rabouille, C., K. Olu, F. Baudin, A. Khripounoff, B. Dennielou, S. Arnaud-Haond, N. Babonneau, C. Bayle, J. Beckler, S. Bessette, B. Bombled, S. Bourgeois, C. Brandily, J.C. Caprais, C. Cathalot, K. Charlier, R. Corvaisier, C. Croguennec, P. Cruaud, C. Decker, L. Droz, N. Gayet, A. Godfroy, S. Hourdez, J. Le Bruchec, J. Le Saout, M. Lesaout, F. Lesongeur, P. Martinez, L. Mejanelle, P. Michalopoulos, O. Mouchel, P. Noel, L. Pastor, M. Picot, P. Pignet, L. Pozzato, A.M. Pruski, M. Rabiller, M. Raimonet, O. Ragueneau, J.L. Reyss, P. Rodier, B. Ruesch, L. Ruffine, F. Savignac, C. Senyarich, J. Schnyder, A. Sen, E. Stetten, Ming Yi Sun, M. Taillefert, S. Teixeira, N. Tisnerat-Laborde, L. Toffin, J. Tourolle, F. Toussaint, G. Vétion, J.M. Jouanneau et M. Bez. 2017. The Congolobe project, a multidisciplinary study of the Congo deep-sea fan lobe complex : overview of methods, strategies, observations and sampling. Dep-Sea Research II, 142 : 7-24.
Lambert, C., Vidal, M., Penaud, A., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Lebreton, V., Ragueneau, O., Grégoire, G., 2017. Modern palynological record in the Bay of Brest (NW France): signal calibration for paleo-reconstructions. Review of paleobotany and palynology, 244: 13-25.
Mazé, C., Dahou, T., Ragueneau, O., Danto, A., Mariat-Roy, E., Raimonet, M. and Weisbein, J., 2017. Knowledge and power in integrated coastal management : for a political anthropology of the sea combined with the marine environment sciences. Compte Rendus Geosciences 349 (6-7), 359-368.
Boutorh, J., Moriceau, B., Gallinari, M., Ragueneau, O. et Bucciarelli, E. 2016. Effect of trace metal-limited growth on the postmortem dissolution of the marine diatom Pseudo-Nitzschia delicatissima. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 57-69.
Labry, C., Delmas, D., Youenou, A., Quere, J., Leynaert, A., Fraisse, S., Raimonet, M., et Ragueneau, O. 2016. High alkaline phosphatase activity in phosphate replete waters : the case of two macrotidal estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography, 61(4): 1513-1529.
L’Héverder, B., Speich, S., Ragueneau, O., Gohin, F. et Bryère P. 2016. Observed and projected sea surface temperature seasonal changes in the western English Channel from stallite data and CMIP5 multi-model ensemble. International Journal of Climatology, 37(6): 2831-2849.
Raimonet, M., Ragueneau, O., Jacques, V., Corvaisier, R., Moriceau, B., Khripounoff, A., Pozzato, L., Rabouille, C., 2015. Rapid transport and high accumulation of amorphous silica in the Congo deep-sea fan: a preliminary budget. Journal of Marine Systems 141, 71-79.
Barão, L., Vandevenne, F., Clymans, W., Frings, P., Müller, F., Ragueneau, O., Meire, P., Conley, D.J., Struyf, E., 2015. Alkaline-extractable Silicon from land to ocean: a challenge for biogenic Silicon determination. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, sous presse.
Mazé, C., Ragueneau, O., Weisbein, J. et Mariat-Roy, E. (2015). Pour une anthropologie politique de la mer. Revue Internationale d’Ethnographie, 5 : 189-202.
Hubert, A., Ragueneau, O., Sansjofre, P. et Tréguier, A.-M., 2015. Exploration de controverses socio-scientifiques en sciences de la mer et du littoral : une unité d’enseignemen interdisciplinaire associant doctorants et étudiants de Master. Actes du VIII colloque « Questions de pédagogie dans l’Enseignement Supérieur », Brest, pp 509-519.
Levin, L.A., Liu, K.-K., Emeis, K.-C., Breitburg, D. L., Cloern, J., Deutsch, C., Giani, M., Goffart, A., Hofmann, E.E., Lachkar, Z., Limburg, K., Liu, S.-M., Montes, E., Naqvi, W.-J, Ragueneau, O., Rabouille, C., Sarkar, S.K., Swaney, D.P., Wassman, P., Wishner, K.F., 2014. Comparative biogeochemistry-ecosystem-human interactions on dynamic continental margins. Journal of Marine Systems ,doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.04.016
Moriceau B., Laruelle G., Passow U., Van Cappellen P. et Ragueneau O., 2014. Biogenic silica dissolution in diatom aggregates: Insights from reactive transport modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 517, 37-49.
Raimonet M., Andrieux-Loyer F., Ragueneau O., Michaud E., Kerouel R., Philippon X., Nonent M., Mémery, L., 2013. Strong gradient of benthic biogeochemical processes along a macrotidal temperate estuary: focus on P and Si cycles. Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-013-9843-3.
Raimonet M., Ragueneau O., Andrieux-Loyer F., Philippon X., Kérouel R., Le Goff M., Mémery L., 2013. Spatio-temporal variability in benthic silica cycling in two macrotidal estuaries: causes and consequences for local to global studies. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 119: 31-43.
Khalil, K., Raimonet, M., Laverman, A., Yan, C., Andrieux-Loyer, F., Viollier, E., Deflandre, B., Ragueneau, O., Rabouille, C., 2013. Spatial and temporal variability of sediment organic matter recycling in two temperate eutrophicated estuaries. Aquatic Geochemistry 19, 517-542.
Loucaides, S., Van Cappellen, P., Roubeix, V., Moriceau, B. et Ragueneau, O., 2012. Controls on the recycling and preservation of biogenic silica from biomineralization to burial. Silicon, DOI 10.1007/s12633-011-9092-9
Querné, J., Ragueneau, O., Poupart, N., 2011. In situ biogenic silica variations in the invasive salt marsh plant, Spartina alterniflora: a possible link with environmental stress. Plant Soil, DOI 10.2007/s11101-011-0986-5
Claquin, P., Ni Longphuirt, S., Fouillaron, P., Huonnic, P., Ragueneau, O., Klein, C. and Leynaert, A., 2010. Effects of simulated benthic fluxes on phytoplankton dynamic and photosynthetic parameters in a mesocosm experiment (Bay of Brest, France). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86 : 93–101.
Carol Robinson, Deborah K. Steinberg, Thomas R. Anderson, Javier Arístegui, Craig A. Carlson, Jessica R. Frost, Jean-François Ghiglione, Santiago Hernández-León, George A. Jackson, Rolf Koppelmann, Bernard Quéguiner, Olivier Ragueneau, Fereidoun Rassoulzadegan, Bruce H. Robison, Christian Tamburini, Tsuneo Tanaka, Karen F. Wishner, Jing Zhang, 2010. Mesopelagic zone ecology and biogeochemistry – a synthesis. Deep-Sea Research II, 57(16): 1504-1518.
Moriceau, B., Goutx, M., Guigue, C., Lee, C., Armstrong, R., Duflos, M., Tamburini, C., Charrière, B., et Ragueneau, O., 2009. The role of Si-C interactions during degradation of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. Deep-Sea Research II, 56, Volume spécial du projet NSF MEDFLUX, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.11.026, 1381-1395.
Laruelle, G., Regnier, P., Ragueneau, O., Kempa, M., Moriceau, B., Ni Longphuirt, S., Leynaert, A., Thouzeau, G. et Chauvaud, L., 2009. Benthic-pelagic coupling and the seasonal silica cycle in the Bay of Brest (France): new insights from a coupled physical-biological model. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 385: 15-32.
Ragueneau, O., Regaudie de Gioux, A., Moriceau, B., Gallinari, M., Vangriesheim, A., Baurand, F. et Khripounoff, A., 2009. A benthic Si mass balance on the Congo margin: origin of the 4,000 m DSi anomaly and implications for the transfer of Si from land to ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, Volume Spécial du projet BIOZAIRE, 56 : 2197-2207.
Leynaert, A., Ni Longphuirt, S., Claquin, P., Chauvaud, L. et Ragueneau, O., 2009. No limit ? : the multiphasic uptake of silicic acid by benthic diatoms. Limnology and Oceanography, 54: 571-576.
Laruelle, G., V. Roubeix, A. Sferratore, B. Brodhern, D. Ciuffa, D. Conley, H. Duerr, J. Garnier, C. Lancelot, Q. Le Thy Phong, M. Meybeck, P. Michalopoulos, B. Moriceau, S. Ni Longphuirt, S. Loucaides, L. Papush, M. Presti, O. Ragueneau, P. A. Regnier, L. Saccone, C. P. Slomp, C. Spiteri, P. Van Cappellen. Modeling the Global Silica Cycle: Response to Temperature Rise and River Damming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, VOL. 23, GB4031, doi:10.1029/2008GB003267, 2009
Ní Longphuirt, S., A. Leynaert, O. Ragueneau, L. Chauvaud, S. Martin, F. et G. Thouzeau, 2009. Diurnal heterogeneity in silica acid fluxes in shallow coastal sites: causes and implications. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 82: 495-502.
Schultes, S., Lambert, C., Pondaven, P., Corvaisier, R., Jansen, S. and Ragueneau, O. 2009. Recycling and uptake of Si(OH)4 when protozoan grazers feed on diatoms. Protist, doi:10.1016/j.protist2009.10.006
Gallinari, M., Ragueneau, O., DeMaster, D.J., Rickert, D., Hartnett, H. et Thomas C. 2008. Influence of seasonal phytodetritus deposition on biogenic silica dissolution properties in marine sediments – Potential effects on preservation. Deep-Sea Research II., 55 : 2451-2464.
Moriceau, B., Garvey, M., Ragueneau, O., and Passow, U., 2007. Lower biogenic silica dissolution rates in diatom aggregates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 333: 129-142.
Ni Longphuirt, S., Leynaert, A., Herlory, O., Guarini, J.-M., Ragueneau, O., Chauvaud, L., Jean, F., Thouzeau, G., Grall, J. et Clavier, J., 2007. In situ observations ofdiel migration of subtidal microphytobenthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 328: 143-158.
Khalil, K., Rabouille, C., Gallinari, M., et Ragueneau O. 2007. Constraining biogenic silica dissolution in marine sediments: a comparison between diagenetic models and experimental dissolution rates. Marine Chemistry, 106: 223-238.
Moriceau, B., Gallinari, M., Soetaert, K. et Ragueneau, O. 2007. Importance of particle formation to reconstructed water column biogenic silica fluxes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, vol. 21, GB3012, doi:10.1029/2006GB002814, 2007.
Vincent, D., Slawyk, G., L’Helguen, S., Sarthou, G., Gallinari, M., Seuront, L., Sautour, B. et Ragueneau, O., 2007. Net and gross ingestion of nitrogen by calanoid copepods fed on 15N labelled diatoms: Methodology and trophic studies. Journal of Experimental marine Biology and Ecology, 352 (2) : 295-305.
Gehlen, M., Bopp, L., Emprin, N., Aumont, O., Heinze, C., and Ragueneau, O., 2006. Reconciling surface ocean productivity, export fluxes and sediment composition in a global biogeochemical ocean model. Biogeosciences, 3: 521-537.
Ragueneau, O., S. Schultes, K. Bidle, P. Claquin, and B. Moriceau, 2006. Si and C interactions in the world ocean: Importance of ecological processes and implications for the role of diatoms in the biological pump, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 20, GB4S02, doi:10.1029/2006GB002688.
Ragueneau, O., Savoye, N., Del Amo, Y., Cotten, J., Tardiveau, B. et Leynaert, A., 2005. A new method for the measurement of biogenic silica in suspended matter of coastal waters: using Si:Al ratios to correct for the mineral interference. Continental Shelf Research, 25: 697-710.
Ragueneau, O., Chauvaud, L., Moriceau, B., Leynaert, A., Thouzeau, G., Donval, A., Le Loc’h, F. and Jean, F., 2005. Biodeposition by an invasive suspension feeder impacts the biogeochemical cycle of Si in a coastal ecosystem (Bay of Brest, France). Biogeochemistry, DOI 10.1007/s10533-004-5677-3.
Leynaert, A., Bucciarelli, E., Claquin, P., Dugdale, R.C., Martin-Jézéquel, V., Pondaven, P., Ragueneau, O. (2004). Effect of iron deficiency on diatom cell size and silicic acid uptake kinetics. Limonology and Oceanography 49(4): 1134-1143.
Ragueneau O., Chauvaud L., Moriceau, B. 2004. Increasing biodeposition by suspension feeders: a third means of altering the coastal Si cycle ? Oceanis, 28 (3/4), 509-529.
Ragueneau, O., 2004. Si-WEBS, a European network for the study of Si fluxes on continental margins. LOICZ Newsletter, 31: 1-4.
Heinze, C., Hupe, A., Maier-Reimer, E., Dittert, N. et Ragueneau, O. (2003). Sensitivity of the marine « biospheric » Si cycle for biogeochemical parameter variations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, VOL. 17, NO. 3, 1086, doi:10.1029/2002GB001943, 2003.
Dittert, N., Corrin, L., Diepenbroek, M., Grobe, H., Heinze, C. and Ragueneau, O. (2002). Management of (pale-)oceanographic data using the PANGAEA information system: the SINOPS example. Computer and Geosciences 28: 789-798.
Ragueneau, O., Dittert, N., Corrin, L., Tréguer, P. et Pondaven, P. (2002). Si:C decoupling in the world ocean: is the Southern Ocean different ? Deep-Sea Research II, 49 (16): 3127-3154.
Gallinari, M., Ragueneau, O., Corrin, L., DeMaster, D.J. et Tréguer, P. (2002). The importance of water column processes on the dissolution kinetics of biogenic silica in deep-sea sediments. I. Solubility. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 (15): 2701-2717.
Ragueneau O., Lancelot C., Egorov V., Vervlimmeren J., Cociasu A., Déliat G., Krastev A., Daoud N., Rousseau V., Popovitchev V., Brion N, Popa L. et Cauwet G. (2002). Biogeochemical transformations of inorganic nutrients in the mixing zone between the Danube river and the northwestern Black Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 54 (3): 321-336.
Ragueneau, O., Chauvaud, L., Leynaert, A., Thouzeau, G., Paulet, Y.-M., Bonnet, S., Lorrain, A., Grall, J., Corvaisier, R., Le Hir, M., Jean, F. and Clavier, J. (2002). Direct evidence of a biologically active coastal silicate pump: Ecological implications. Limnology and Oceanography 47 (6): 1849-1854.
Ragueneau O., Gallinari M., Stahl H., Tengberg A., Grandel S., Lampitt R., Witbaard R., Hall P., Rickert D. and Hauvespre A. (2001). The benthic silica cycle in the northeast Atlantic: seasonality, annual mass balance and preservation mechanisms. Progress in Oceanography, 50: 171-200.
Dittert, N., Leynaert, A., Ragueneau, O., Heinze, C. (2001). Hunting and Gathering silicon data to tackle climate forecasting. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 82 (9): 113, 117.
Lampitt R., Kiriakoulakis K., Popova E.E., Ragueneau O., Vangriesheim A., et Wolff G. (2001). Material supply to the Abyssal seafloor in the Northeast Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 50: 27-63.
Ragueneau, O., Tréguer, Leynaert, A., P., Anderson, R.F., Brzezinski, M.A., DeMaster, D.J., Dugdale, R.C., Dymond, J., Fischer, G., François, R., Heinze, C., Maier-Reimer, E., Martin-Jézéquel, V., Nelson, D., Quéguiner, B. (2000). A review of the Si cycle in the modern ocean: recent progress and missing gaps in the application of biogenic opal as a paleoproductivity proxy. Global and Planetary Change, 26: 317-365.
Pondaven P., Ragueneau O., Tréguer P., Hauvespre A, Dezileau L. et Reyss J.-L. (2000). Resolving the opal paradox in the Southern Ocean. Nature, 405: 168-172.
Chauvaud L., Jean F., Ragueneau O. et Thouzeau G. (2000). Long-term variation of the Bay of Brest ecosystem: pelagic-benthic coupling revisited. Marine Ecology Progress Serie, 200: 35-48.
Ragueneau O., Leynaert A., Tréguer P., DeMaster D.J. et Anderson R.F. (1996). Opal studied as a marker of paleoproductivity. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77 (49): 491-493.
Ragueneau O., Quéguiner B., Tréguer P. (1996). Contrast in biological responses to tidally-induced vertical mixing for two macrotidal ecosystems of Western Europe. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 42: 645-665.
DeMaster D.J., Ragueneau O., Nittrouer C.A. (1996). Preservation efficiencies and accumulation rates for biogenic silica and organic C, N, and P in hig-latitude sediments: the Ross Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101 (C8): 18501-18518.
McManus J., Hammond D.E., Berelson W.M., Kilgore T.E., DeMaster D.J., Ragueneau O., Collier R.W. (1995). Early diagenesis of biogenic opal: dissolution rates, kinetics, and paleoceanographic implications. Deep-Sea Research, 42 (2-3): 871-903.
Ragueneau O., Tréguer P. (1994). The determination of biogenic silica in coastal waters: applicability and limits of the alkaline digestion method. Marine Chemistry, 45: 43-51.
Ragueneau O., De Blas Varela E., Tréguer P., Quéguiner B., Del Amo Y. (1994). Phytoplankton dynamics in relation to the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in a coastal ecosystem of Western Europe. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 106: 157-172.
Liste des chapitres d’ouvrages
Mazé, C. et Ragueneau, O. 2017. La gouvernance de l’océan : un chantier entre science et politique. L’océan à découvert, CNRS Editions, pp. 254-255.
Ragueneau, O., auteur, et Gattuso, J.-P., F. Viard, Tissot, C. et Grall, J., contributeurs 2013. Changement global : impacts sur les écosystèmes et défis sociétaux. Chapître 8 de l’ouvrage « Les Mondes Marins », Editions CNRS Cherche-Midi, pp. 125-146.
De La Rocha, C., Ragueneau, O. et Leynaert, A. 2012. Reconsidering the meaning of biogenic silica accumulation rate in the Southern Ocean. Dans : The diatoms: applications for the environmental and earth sciences. Smol, J.P. and Stoermer, E.F. (Eds.). Cambridge University Press, pp. 454-461.
Ragueneau, O., Conley, D.J., DeMaster, D.J., Durr, H. and Dittert, N., 2009. Si transformations along the land-ocean continuum: implications for the global C cycle. Dans: Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins. Atkinson, L., Liu, K.-K., Quinones, R. and Talaue-MacManus, L. (Eds.), IGBP Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 515-527.
Claquin, P., Leynaert, AU., Sferatorre, A., Garnier, J., et Ragueneau, O., 2006. Physiological ecology of diatoms along the land-sea continuum. Dans: Land-Ocean nutrient fluxes: silica cycle. Ittekkot, V., Humborg, C., garnier, J. (Eds.), SCOPE Book, Island Press, pp. 121-137.
Ragueneau, O., Conley, D.J., Ni Longphuirt, S., Slomp, C. et Leynaert, A., 2006a. A review of the Si biogeochemical cycle in coastal waters, I: diatoms in coastal food webs and the coastal Si cycle. Dans: Land-Ocean nutrient fluxes: silica cycle. Ittekkot, V., Humborg, C., Garnier, J. (Eds.), SCOPE Book, Island Press, pp. 163-195.
Ragueneau, O., Conley, D.J., Ni Longphuirt, S., Slomp, C. et Leynaert, A., 2006b. A review of the Si biogeochemical cycle in coastal waters, II: anthropogenic perturbation of the Si cycle and responses of coastal ecosystems. Dans: Land-Ocean nutrient fluxes: silica cycle. Ittekkot, V., Humborg, C., Garnier, J. (Eds.), SCOPE Book, Island Press, pp. 197-213.
Ragueneau, O., Chauvaud, L. et Grall, J., 2004. Benthic-pelagic coupling and eutrophication: the case of the silicate pump. Dans : Drainage basin nutrient inputs and eutrophication: an integrated approach. Olli, K. et Wassmann, P. (Eds.), pp. 167-184. Available at: http://www.ut.ee/~olli/eutr/
Tréguer, P., Legendre, L., Rivkin, R.T., Ragueneau, O. et dittert, N., 2002. Chapter VII – Water column biogeochemistry below the euphotic zone. Dans: Ocean biogeochemistry : a JGOFS synthesis. Fasham, M., Zeitschel, B. et Platt, T. (Eds.), pp. 145-156.