Gauthier SCHAAL
Marine biology and ecology, trophic ecology, stable isotopes, fatty acids
Senior Lecturer
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
Marine biology and ecology, trophic ecology, stable isotopes, fatty acids
Senior Lecturer
Université de Bretagne Occidentale
LEMAR Laboratory
+33 2 98 49 86 90
I have been a teacher-researcher at the University of Western Brittany since 2012, after a PhD at the Roscoff Biological Station (Sorbonne Universities), and a post-doctorate in South Africa, at Rhodes University (Grahamstown).
My research activity focuses on the understanding of trophic interactions within ecosystems, from benthic primary consumers to large pelagic predators. I use different approaches, in particular those based on trophic biomarkers such as stable isotopes (C, N, S, Hg), lipids (fatty acids, sterols) or metallic trace elements. My activity also leads me to be interested in other aspects of ecosystem functioning, such as the structure and composition of communities, in connection with a strong personal interest in the taxonomy of benthic invertebrates.
My main geographical areas of interest are the coastal environments of Western Europe, Mediterranean lagoons, the Pacific coast of Mexico (Baja California), Gabon and Mayotte.
I am currently co-supervising the theses of:
Peer-reviewed publications (aka ACL in French) since 2010