Mishal COHEN

Ancien membre du laboratoire


LEMAR laboratory



After a Bachelor’s degree in marine biology in Colombia, my undergraduate project focused on the ecological assessment of echinoderms on Malpelo Island. Afterwards, I worked as an environmental management assistant for a fishing company. Then, I did a master 1 in Biology and Marine Ecology at the University of Aix-Marseille and a master 2 in Functioning and Management of Marine Ecosystems at the ULCO. I did a master 2 internship at the University of La Laguna in Tenerife on the effects of climate change on fertilisation and early stages of development in sea urchins. In 2013, I obtained a scholarship to do my PhD at the Université Libre de Bruxelles on the effects of acidification, warming and increased hydrodynamics on the behaviour, biomechanics and acid-base physiology of sea urchins.