Marine environmental law

Research director


LEMAR laboratory


Chercheur associé UMR AMURE


02 90 91 55 54


Principal Investigator of the H2020-MSCA PADDLE Project

Member of the World Commission of Environmental law (WCEL)

Membre de la Société Française de Droit de l’Environnement (SFDE)

Page Research Gate



Marie Bonnin is a researcher in marine environmental law at IRD. She is interested in the protection of the marine environment through law. The objective is to understand whether the rules of law are appropriate, whether developments are necessary and, above all, whether the resulting protection is effective. Through frequent collaborations with researchers in the natural and physical sciences, she is interested in the impact of legal rules on ecosystems and the legal translation of research conducted in marine ecology. She has been working for 15 years on marine environmental law in West Africa, in collaboration with universities and research institutes in Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde. In recent years, it has extended its activities to the tropical Atlantic. Since 2017, she has been coordinating the PADDLE project. The 100 researchers from 18 different institutions in this project are interested in the opportunities and limitations of marine spatial planning in the tropical Atlantic.

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Guerreiro, J., Calado, H., Bonnin, M., van Tatenhove, J. P. M., & Santos, C. F. (2023). Editorial: New frontiers of marine governance in the ocean decade. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 10, 1223137. Cite
Queffelec, B., Bonnin, M., Ferreira, B., Bertrand, S., Da Silva, S. T., Diouf, F., Trouillet, B., Cudennec, A., Brunel, A., Billant, O., & Toonen, H. (2021). Marine spatial planning and the risk of ocean grabbing in the tropical Atlantic. Ices Journal of Marine Science, 78(4), 1196–1208. Cite
Billant, O., & Bonnin, M. (2021). Vers l’interdiction des sacs plastique en Afrique atlantique : une analyse numérique en droit de l’environnement. Mondes En Développement, 49(193), 7–25. Cite
Guerreiro, J., Carvalho, A., Casimiro, D., Bonnin, M., Calado, H., Toonen, H., Fotso, P., Ly, I., Silva, O., & da Silva, S. T. (2021). Governance prospects for maritime spatial planning in the tropical atlantic compared to EU case studies. Marine Policy, 123, 104294. Cite
Franchomme, M., Bonnin, M., & Hinnewinkel, C. (2013). La biodiversité « aménage-t-elle » les territoires ? Vers une écologisation des territoires. Développement durable et territoires. Économie, géographie, politique, droit, sociologie, Vol. 4, n° 1. Cite
Mathevet, R., Thompson, J., & Bonnin, M. (2012). La solidarité écologique: prémices d’une pensée écologique pour le xxie siècle? Ecologie & Politique, 1, 127–138. Cite
Bonnin, M. (2012). L’émergence des services environnementaux dans le droit international de l’environnement: une terminologie confuse. VertigO-La Revue Électronique En Sciences de l’environnement, 12(3). Cite
Thompson, J. D., Mathevet, R., Delanoë, O., Gil-Fourrier, C., Bonnin, M., & Cheylan, M. (2011). Ecological solidarity as a conceptual tool for rethinking ecological and social interdependence in conservation policy for protected areas and their surrounding landscape. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 334(5), 412–419. Cite

Participation in research projects