Assessing marine biogenic matter Production, Export and Remineralization: from the surface to the dark Ocean


L. Memery (LEMAR),
C. Tamburini (MIO),
L. Guidi (LOV)

Project type




Project duration

Start Date


End Date



APERO proposes a mechanistic approach to the biological carbon pump (export of surface biogenic carbon production and fate in the water column -200/2000m). APERO aims to reduce the gap between the amount of photosynthetically produced organic carbon transferred to the deep ocean and the metabolic demand for carbon in the water column. The project is built around a campaign with two oceanographic vessels in the Northeast Atlantic, at the level of the British permanent station PAP (58°N, 16°W). It will last 40 days and will take place in June 2023, at the time of maximum particulate carbon export to the deep ocean. The three major contributions of APERO are the study of the role of small-scale dynamics (~1-10km) on the water column using autonomous platforms, imagery and innovative instrumentation, the construction of a comprehensive database based on the simultaneous multidisciplinary observation of all processes regulating the attenuation of carbon flux in the water column (cf. Fig. 1) and the quantification of the fluxes associated with these processes. Relying on a significant international collaboration (JETZON consortium) and an ambitious observation strategy, complemented by molecular biology and innovative modeling approaches, this study will contribute to a significant reduction of uncertainties on carbon storage by the ocean.

The team


Olivier Aumont (LOCEAN, Paris)
Marie Claire Baudoux (SBR, Roscoff)
Lucie Bittner (UPMC, Paris)
Urania Christaki (LOG, Wimereux)
Damien Eveillard (LS2N, Nantes)
Lionel Guidi (LOV, Villefranche)
Karine Leblanc (MIO, Marseille)
Pascale Lherminier (LOPS, Brest)
Fabien Lombard (LOV, Villefranche)
Claudie Marec (IUEM, Brest)
Ingrid Oberstonerer (LOMIC, Banuls)
Christian Tamburini (MIO, Marseille)
Pierre Testor (LOCEAN, Paris)