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IFREMER : PHYC-Nantes et LER-LR-Sète

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Laboratoire Phycotoxines (PHYC), Unité Littoral, Ifremer

This laboratory conducts studies on a periodical natural phenomenon: blooms of toxic phytoplankton species. Specialized in phycotoxins, EMP/PHYC aims to complete and update the scientific knowledge on shellfish contamination by phycotoxins, in order to evaluate sanitary risks. Research areas of expertise are: 1) toxin production of phytoplankton species; 2) development and validation of chemical methods for toxin identification and quantification by CL-SM/SM, CL/FLD, CL/DAD; 3) monitoring the potential presence of toxins and assessment of new toxic species; 4) studies assessing contamination/decontamination processes of bivalve molluscs by toxic algae. The laboratory also provides scientific and technical support to the national monitoring programme of phytoplankton and phycotoxins (Rephy) led by IFREMER.

-      Field of expertise: phytoplankton, microalgal cultures ; marine toxins and their metabolites; National and European expertise on the formal identification of marine toxins using mass spectrometry.



Laboratoire Environnement Ressources Languedoc Roussillon (PDG-ODE-LITTORAL-LERLR)

The laboratory operates five national networks (ROCCH, REMI, REPHY, RESCO REPAMO) and a specific network monitoring eutrophication level and quality of lagoon environments (RSL) and is involved in an interregional network on biological indicators (RINBIO). In addition, the laboratory provides support for the decisions of institutional partners, and local and regional professionals. These include among others support the management and preservation of coastal environment and shellfish resources, and the preservation and sustainable development of economic activities that depend on it. Finally, an important part of laboratory activities involves research actions i) on issues that are of direct expressed concern by social demand on shellfish and ecological resources and ii) on knowledge that helps integrated management of lagoon and marine environments.

A research program between the LERLR and UMR 5119 ECOLAG aims to identify environmental factors that may explain the emergence, development and decline of A. catenella blooms. This work should lead to the development of a model that allows the earliest possible prediction of phenomena and is a tool for studying possible improvements to limit their impact.

LERLR has two experimental units in the Thau lagoon allowing the acquisition of environmental data with high frequency and the deployment of in situ experiments. These experimental units consist of livestock raised on table located in the rearing area of Marseillan and “crique de l’Angle” where Alexandrium blooms are observed.


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