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Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (LPO - LEMAR)

This research team belongs to two laboratories of the Institut Universitaire Européen de le Mer (IUEM). The LPO has been a joint research unit between IFREMER, CNRS, UBO since 1991. It has a internationally recognized expertise in physical oceanography cruises under international programmes WOCE and CLIVAR, in process studies from climate to meso and submesoscales (using in particular the Earth Simulator), and in realistic numerical ocean models. The team involved in this project has a strong expertise in experiments at sea and in mesoscale processes near the continental shelf and is currently involved in several international collaborations. The LEMAR has been a joint research unit between CNRS, UBO and IRD since 1995. It s a multidisciplinary laboratory gathering ocean biologists, chemists and physicists involved in international programs JGOFs, LOICZ, GLOBEC, IMBER, SOLAS, PNEC. The LEMAR team involved in the project has a strong expertise in numerical models of plankton ecosystems and biogeochemistry, and in particular in understanding phytoplankton competitions and meso- submesoscale dynamics (PROOF and LEFE programmes of INSU). This team has on- going collaboration with USA (P.Franks SIO, and E.Di Lorenzo Georgia Tech.) on these subjects.

LPO and LEMAR have collaborated for than 10 years (P.Rivière, P.Klein, X.Carton) on these subjects. They have co-organized the EUR-OCEANS/EUROPOLE MER international conference “Influence of meso- and submesoscale ocean dynamics on the global carbon cycle and marine ecosystems” 31 May – 2 June 2010 – Aber Wrac’h, France.