This secondment was used to prepare locally the logistics and scientific organisation of three events to be realized in 2019:
(1) Preparation of the interdisciplinary PADDLE workshop to be held in Recife in February 2019.
(2) Write proposals for two projects aiming at reinforcing the exchange of good practices in the area in Brazil. The first one consists in a 3-years cycle of interdisciplinary summer schools to be held in Recife from 2020 (30 000 euros funded by IRD). The second one aims at fostering the development of interdisciplinary young researchers networks in Brazil, trained to the collection of data adapted to the feeding of a MSP process (50 000 euros funded by IRD).
(3) Scientific supervision of an associative student proposal on science-society dialogue; preparing the realization of a documentary and a photographic exposition on stakeholders vision in Fernando de Noronha (https://meandres.eu) performed in January 2019.