The oyster as a niche in the evolution and emergence of pathogenic vibrios


Frédérique Le Roux (Ifremer-CNRS Bretagne-Pays Loire-LIBMM Laboratoire de Biologie Intégrative des Modèles Marins)
Bruno Petton (resp. scientifique partenaire 2, Ifremer-LEMAR)

Project type




Project duration

Start Date


End Date


The objective of the project is to study the evolution of vibrio virulence in relation to hollow oysters as hosts and phages as predators. This should determine whether

  • pathogenic genotypes of vibrios are emerging in areas heavily impacted by the disease;
  • vibrios and oysters co-evolve;
  • vibrios-phage infection networks are more strongly connected in co-occurring phages with their host;
  • the elimination of a pathogenic population (V. crassostreae) by a cocktail of phages increases the survival of oysters.

To do this, we will use approaches that combine population modelling, comparative and functional genomics analyses and experimental pathology.

By task

  1. we will explore the structure of vibrio populations in oysters and the water column of 3 areas (Brest, Texel, Sylt) affected by a disease gradient and study the diversity of V. crassostreae
  2. we will carry out cross-infections using oysters produced in the laboratory from breeding stock in Brest, Texel (Netherlands) and Sylt (Germany) and isolated vibrios from these 3 areas
  3. we will study the spatio-temporal differences in phages-V. crassostreae infection networks and test the effect of a cocktail of phages on the disease.

The team


Alfred Wagner Institut (Allemagne) : Mathias Wegner

Ifremer Roscoff : Yannick Labreuche ; Damien Piel

SAS Eligo Bioscience : Xavier Duporthet ; David Bikard