Copyright : Laboratoire LEMAR- 2018
In the context of climate change, there is a need to better understand the risk to society and ecosystems from global warming. The EU-funded NextGEMS project (€11,000k) will address this challenge by developing and applying a new generation of coupled global Earth system models that take storms into account (SR-ESMs for “storm-resolving Earth system models”) for use in the oceans or atmosphere. SR-ESMs use a fine grid at 3 km scale to provide a more detailed picture of atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems, including their coupling to Earth system processes such as the carbon, nutrient, water and atmospheric particle (aerosol) cycles. The consortium members will develop two prototype SR-ESMs capable of generating 30-year projections of future climate change, while keeping Europe at the forefront of Earth system modelling. Two demonstration cases will be carried out, one on renewable energy in Europe, the other on fisheries in West Africa.
Engineering and technology, environmental engineering, energy and fuels, renewable energy, solar energy, natural sciences, earth and related environmental sciences, atmospheric sciences, climatology, climate change, earth and related environmental sciences, oceanography, ocean chemistry.