Blue Human

BLUE biotechnology as a road for innovation on HUMAN’s health aiming Smart growth in Atlantic Area


Fabienne Guérard, Gwenaëlle Le Blay

Project type




Project duration

Start Date

End Date


The Blue Human project is divided into three main areas:

  • The valorization of by-products and residues of marine origin through the development of biomaterials for tissue engineering
  • Development of biomedical applications
  • Research into marine ingredients for cosmetics, wellness and health products

These various objectives are achieved in close collaboration with the industrial partners.

LEMAR researchers are particularly involved in the development of marine collagen hydrogels crosslinked & functionalized with polyphenols from macroalgae and halophyte plants. Manon Buscaglia is receiving a thesis grant co-financed by the Brittany region “ARED” and Blue Human to work on this project.

  1. Development of a fish collagen matrix with enhanced mechanical properties by improving its mechanical stability through enzymatic crosslinking. These innovative processes will make it possible to influence the rheological properties and porosity of neoformed gels, which will have to accommodate markers or small bioactive molecules. Understanding the mechanisms of cross-linking and their impact on the three-dimensional network of collagen matrices will be at the heart of the research.
  2. Production of active extracts (phenolic compounds) of macroalgae and halophyte plants whose extraction and dosage techniques we master, and whose maximum production periods in these marine plants we know. Alternative extraction processes will also be sought in order to obtain active phenolic compounds in an eco-responsible and efficient way.
  3. Screening of these extracts for activities of interest (antioxidants, anti-bacteria, anti-biofilm…) in bone engineering. Possible synergistic activities of the tested extracts, and the emergence of bacterial resistance will be sought as well as the maintenance of activities within the collagen matrices. The osteogenic and cytotoxic activities of the extracts will be carried out in collaboration with partners of the INTERREG BlueHuman project.
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The team


Consortium de 16 partenaires dont 5 centres de transfert / agences de l’innovation et 3 entreprises privées

  • University of Minho, 3B´s Research Group, Tiago Henriques da Silva
  • CETMAR-Centro Tecnológico del Mar – Fundación, Julio Maroto Leal
  • CIIMAR – Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research. Blue Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology. Pedro Leão, Vitor Vasconcelos, Graciliana lopez
  • IIM-CSIC – Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), Ricardo Pérez-Martín / José A. Vázquez Álvarez
  • Universidad de Vigo, Pío González , Julia Serra, Juan Pou, Mohamed Boutinguiza
  • SAS YSLAB, Roxane fagon
  • University of Algarve – BIOSKEL – Comparative, Adaptive and Functional Skeletal Biology, Leonor Cancela; Vincent Laizé, Paulo Gavaia
  • Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Tissue Engineering Research Group, Fergal O’Brien, Sarah Casey
  • Centro de Química da Madeira – Molecular Materials Research Group, Helena Tomás
  • Jellagen Pty Ltd, Andrew Mearns Spragg
  • SurgaColl Technologies Limited, John Gleeson
  • AECT-GBNP-Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Galicia Norte de Portugal, Isabel Cabaleiro, Xosé Lago
  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Joaquín Serrano
  • Axencia Galega de Innovación – GAIN, Pilar Morgade Saavedra
  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Dep. Políticas de Inovação