Sandrine SERRE

Marine ecology

Université de Bretagne Occidentale


LEMAR Laboratory



Ma thèse de doctorat

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N° ORCID 0000-0003-3609-3432

I am a PhD student at the University of Western Brittany on the LAMNA project led by the Association pour l’Étude et la Connaissance des Sélaciens (APECS) of which LEMAR is a partner. I am studying the role of the coastal zone of Trégor-Goëlo in the life cycle of porbeagle females (Lamna nasus, Bonnaterre 1788). I am interested in the movements of individuals equipped with satellite tags as well as their trophic ecology through the composition of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen.

355235 ACL Serre 1 apa 50 date desc 1 Serre, S. 200546
Serre, S., Jung, A., Cherel, Y., Gamblin, C., Hennache, C., Le Loc’h, F., Lorrain, A., Priac, A., Schaal, G., & Stephan, E. (2024). Stable isotopes reveal intrapopulation heterogeneity of porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus). REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, 69, 103340. Cite
Le Marchand, M., Lasram, F. B. R., Araignous, E., Saint-Beat, B., Lassalle, G., Michelet, N., Serre, S., Safi, G., Lejart, M., Niquil, N., & Le Loc’h, F. (2022). Potential combined impacts of climate change and non-indigenous species arrivals on Bay of Biscay trophic network structure and functioning. Journal of Marine Systems, 228, 103704. Cite
Cresson, P., Chouvelon, T., Bustamante, P., Banaru, D., Baudrier, J., Le Loc’h, F., Mauffret, A., Mialet, B., Spitz, J., Wessel, N., Briand, M. J., Denamiel, M., Doray, M., Guillou, G., Jadaud, A., Lazard, C., Prieur, S., Rouquette, M., Saraux, C., … Harmelin-Vivien, M. (2020). Primary production and depth drive different trophic structure and functioning of fish assemblages in French marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 186, 102343. fdi:010079433. Cite

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