Brain Booster

Innovative health ingredients for a healthy aging process


Fabienne Guérard

Project type



Fonds Unique Inter-ministériel (AAPn°22)

Project duration

Start Date


End Date



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BrainBooster is a collaborative project that aims to develop innovative, scientifically and clinically validated health ingredients for the nutraceutical and petfood markets, particularly in the ageing-well segment. This project combines ” product ” innovation with societal challenges of sustainable development and local economy in Brittany.

  • Societal issues: In a context of population ageing, it is necessary to respond to a major public health problem by developing nutraceutical ingredients that enable successful ageing and a healthy ageing process, by targeting the maintenance of memory performance and a good quality of life for the elderly.
  • Sustainable development: The BrainBooster project aims to promote marine co-products that are currently not well valued by using eco-friendly extraction processes specifically developed to meet the challenges of sustainable development.
  • Local economy: By participating, at a regional level, in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach to adding value to marine co-products, the BrainBooster project will contribute to the structuring of a sustainable sector through the development of innovative health ingredients, a source of value creation for all the stakeholders involved.

This multidisciplinary project will be a source of technical innovation through the use of innovative processes for the extraction of natural bioactive ingredients (marine lipids), but also through scientific research to better understand the effects of nutrition on the prevention of age-related cognitive decline and the mechanisms involved.

Doctoral student: Cloé Oroy ( PhD thesis Cifre, with partner DIANA PetFood). Thesis direction and supervision: Fabienne Guérard, Philippe Soudant & Fabienne Le Grand.

The project has been co-labelled by Valorial and Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique. The institutional financial partners are: BPI France, the Brittany Region, Lorient agglomeration and the Finistère Department.

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The team


Les partenaires :

  • Abyss Ingredients (porteur du projet),
  • Maison Chancerelle
  • Diana Pet food
  • Inra NutriNeuro, Université de Bordeaux.

Les accompagnateurs :

  • ID2Sante
  • Valorial et Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (experts en conduite de projet).