Tag Archive for: IPCC

Motion adopted by LEMAR staff

Les personnels CNRS/Ifremer/IRD/UBO du Laboratoire des sciences de l’environnement marin (LEMAR) soutiennent les initiatives qui se mettent en place au niveau mondial comme en France pour faire face à l’urgence planétaire (climat, biodiversité, environnement).

Nous demandons aux dirigeants politiques de tous bords d’unir leurs efforts pour mettre en œuvre des actions visant à abandonner la primauté des intérêts à court terme qui prévalent dans nos sociétés thermo-industrielles et qui conduisent à l’épuisement de nos ressources naturelles.

En particulier :

  • Nous soutenons les initiatives de la jeunesse mondiale pour faire de la journée du 15 mars 2019 une mobilisation d’envergure.
  • Nous appelons à participer à la marche mondiale pour le climat le 16 mars 2019.
  • Nous souscrivons aux différents appels des scientifiques (Appel de 300 chercheurs européens dans le quotidien Le Soir, Scientists warning de l’Alliance of World Scientists, tribune de 700 scientifiques français dans Libération, rapport du GIEC, etc.)* exigeant de la part des dirigeants politiques des actions concrètes et immédiates pour la protection de l’environnement.
  • Nous nous engageons à agir au quotidien pour réduire l’impact climatique et environnemental lié à nos activités de recherche.
  • Nous demandons instamment à nos institutions de tutelle (CNRS, Ifremer, IRD et UBO) de favoriser et d’accompagner nos démarches écoresponsables, et de s’engager publiquement et officiellement à prendre des mesures concrètes à la hauteur de l’urgence planétaire.

Faisons de 2019 l’année de la transition écologique !

Plouzané, le 12 mars 2019

*Appel de 300 chercheurs belges, français et suisses le 20 février 2019 : https://plus.lesoir.be/207972/article/2019-02-20/

Scientists warning de l’Alliance of World Scientists : http://www.scientistswarning.org/scientists-warning-news/

Appel de 700 scientifiques français le 8 septembre 2018 : https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2018/09/07/rechauffement-climatique-nous-en-appelons-aux-decideurs-politiques_1677176

Rapport du GIEC (Groupe d’experts Intergouvernemental sur l’Evolution du Climat) publié le 8 octobre 2018 : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2018/10/07/le-giec-appelle-a-des-transformations-sans-precedent-pour-limiter-le-rechauffement-climatique_a_23553769/




Modeling reproductive traits of an invasive bivalve species under contrasting climate scenarios from 1960 to 2100

Mélaine Gourault, Sébastien Petton,Yoann Thomas, Laure Pecquerie, Gonçalo M. Marques, Christophe Cassou, Élodie Fleury,Yves-Marie Paulet et Stéphane Pouvreau


  • The DEB model available for the Pacific oyster was applied in a new coastal environment: the bay of Brest (France).
  • This version was successfully calibrated using a new dataset covering 6 years (from 2009 to 2014) of field monitoring.
  • The model successfully predicted in detail the complex reproductive processes of C. gigas, especially its spawning behavior.
  • Hindcasting and forecasting simulations of the reproductive phenology of C. gigas were performed using IPCC scenarios.


Identifying the drivers that control the reproductive success of a population is vital to forecasting the consequences of climate change in terms of distribution shift and population dynamics. In the present study, we aimed to improve our understanding of the environmental conditions that allowed the colonization of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, in the Bay of Brest since its introduction in the 1960s. We also aimed to evaluate the potential consequences of future climate change on its reproductive success and further expansion.

Three reproductive traits were defined to study the success of the reproduction: the spawning occurrence, synchronicity among individuals and individual fecundity. We simulated these traits by applying an individual-based modeling approach using a Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) model. First, the model was calibrated for C. gigas in the Bay of Brest using a 6-year monitoring dataset (2009–2014). Second, we reconstructed past temperature conditions since 1960 in order to run the model backwards (hindcasting analysis) and identified the emergence of conditions that favored increasing reproductive success. Third, we explored the regional consequences of two contrasting IPCC climate scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5) on the reproductive success of this species in the bay for the 2100 horizon (forecasting analysis). In both analyses, since phytoplankton concentration variations were, at that point, unknown in the past and unpredicted in the future, we made an initial assumption that our six years of observed phytoplankton concentrations were informative enough to represent “past and future possibilities” of phytoplankton dynamics in the Bay of Brest. Therefore, temperature is the variable that we modified under each forecasting and hindcasting runs.

The hindcasting simulations showed that the spawning events increased after 1995, which agrees with the observations made on C. gigas colonization. The forecasting simulations showed that under the warmer scenario (RCP8.5), reproductive success would be enhanced through two complementary mechanisms: more regular spawning each year and potentially precocious spawning resulting in a larval phase synchronized with the most favorable summer period. Our results evidenced that the spawning dates and synchronicity between individuals mainly relied on phytoplankton seasonal dynamics, and not on temperature as expected. Future research focused on phytoplankton dynamics under different climate change scenarios would greatly improve our ability to anticipate the reproductive success and population dynamics of this species and other similar invertebrates.

Figure 4: Oyster growth and spawning simulations obtained by the DEB model compared with observed data from 2009 to 2014 (DFM = Dry Flesh Mass). Observed DFM is represented by black dots with standard deviation bars (n = 30). Grey lines represent individual growth trajectories simulated by the model. The dark red bold line represents the mean of the 30 trajectories.


Gourault, M., Petton, S., Thomas, Y., Pecquerie, L., Marques, G.M., Cassou, C., Fleury, E., Paulet, Y.-M., & Pouvreau, S. 2019. Modeling reproductive traits of an invasive bivalve species under contrasting climate scenarios from 1960 to 2100. Journal of Sea Research 143: 128–139. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2018.05.005.

Click for the journal page.