Marine ecology (sea grass beds)
Post-doctoral fellow
Ifrecor/OFB - UBO
Marine ecology (sea grass beds)
Post-doctoral fellow
Ifrecor/OFB - UBO
Laboratoire LEMAR
02 90 91 55 69
Seagrass beds constitute one of the most remarkable and diversified habitats in coastal waters, particularly within the French overseas territories. Many of them are affected by the increasing development of human activities and more recently by the passage of hurricanes (Irma, Maria 2017) and the stranding of Sargasso in the French West Indies. In this context, monitoring and assessment of the ecological status of this ecosystem is necessary to meet the challenges of the various public policies that apply to it (Water Framework Directive, French Coral Reef Initiative) and those of the managers of marine protected areas.
The aim of the applied research work I am currently conducting (MTES and OFB funding) is to develop a methodological toolbox to assess the ecological status of French tropical seagrass beds and the coastal waters in which they develop, in a context of multiple disturbances.
In parallel with my research actions, I am coordinating the herbarium network of the French Coral Reef Initiative.