Entries by sherve@univ-brest.fr

Compound-specific recording of gadolinium pollution in coastal waters by great scallops

Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs), routinely used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), end up directly in coastal seawaters where gadolinium concentrations are now increasing. Because many aquatic species could be sensitive to this new pollution, we have evaluated the possibility of using shellfish to assess its importance. Gadolinium excesses recorded by scallop shells collected in Bay […]

Paddle Brazil workshop | Report

This scientific workshop on a comparative approach to marine spatial planning (MSP) between the European Union and Brazil was held in Recife (UFPE).

GDR “Polymers and Oceans”

The mission of the GDR “Polymers and Oceans” is to federate and improve the visibility of the French scientific community involved in research on the fate of polymers in the aquatic environment.