Deciphering multifactorial diseases: the case of oyster mortality


Coordination : Guillaume MITTA (Univ. Perpignan UMR 5244); Responsables de task : Bruno Petton & Pierre Boudry (Ifremer-Lemar UMR 6539)

Project type




Project duration

Start Date


End Date


Since 2018, recurrent and massive mortalities have affected the spat of hollow oysters Crassostrea gigas. To identify a way out of this health crisis and find solutions for sustainable oyster aquaculture, it is necessary to decipher this complex pathosystem.

It is in this context that the DECIPHER project proposes to develop an integrated multidisciplinary research programme linking the different levels of understanding of the disease. It focuses on the dynamic study of the “holobionte oyster” (host and associated microbiota, including pathogens). It integrates the genetic background of the host, variations in the environment and the history of interactions between the protagonists of this pathosystem and the emergence of the pathology.

The team


  • UMR 5119 Ifremer-IHPE Montpellier et CNRS : Julien De Lorgeril, Caroline Montagnani, Yannick Gueguen, Philippe Haffner, Escoubas Jean Michel, Rolland Jean Luc, Agnès Vergne, Delphine Destoumieux-Garzon
  • UMR 5244 Université de Perpignan : Cosseau Céline, Toulza Eve, Christophe Grunau
  • UMR 8621 Institut de génétique et de microbiologie : Annick Jacq, Philippe Bouloc