Thomas BUREL

Macroalgae, Intertidal ecology

Technical Assistant for Teaching and Research (ATER)
Université de Bretagne Occidentale

I am a marine biologist specialising in coastal ecology, I also teach at the University of Brest. My thesis, on the effects of hydrodynamics on intertidal communities, was carried out at LEMAR between 2017 and 2020, under the supervision of Erwan Ar Gall, Gauthier Schaal and Jacques Grall.

Currently, I am pursuing my research on the functioning of coastal habitats, particularly on rocky foreshores dominated by wrack, maerl beds or eelgrass beds. I monitor and evaluate these habitats by sampling in situ, by Geographic Information System and statistical analysis of data, in the framework of Rebent, DCE and DCSMM monitoring. In parallel, I am collaborating with Wendy Diruit‘s thesis, aiming to use remote sensing (drones, satellites) to accurately describe intertidal habitats.

I am also trained in molecular biology, in order to better understand the taxonomy and population genetics of macroalgae. Furthermore, I coordinate the project “Algae of Brittany and the North-East Atlantic” and participate in the monitoring of Non-Indigenous Species on the European coasts.

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Helias, M., Grall, J., Jardim, V. L., Toumi, C., & Burel, T. (2024). Changes in maerl-associated macroalgal community dynamics as evidence of anthropogenic pressure. ANNALS OF BOTANY. Cite
Bridier, G., Olivier, F., Pinsivy, L., Jourde, J., Chauvaud, L., Sejr, M. K., Burel, T., Le Duff, M., & Grall, J. (2024). Diversity and spatial variability of shallow benthic macrofaunal assemblages in a high-Arctic fjord (Young Sound, North-East Greenland). POLAR BIOLOGY. Cite
Diruit, W., Burel, T., Bajjouk, T., Le Bris, A., Richier, S., Terrin, S., Helias, M., Stiger-Pouvreau, V., & Ar Gall, E. (2024). Comparison of supervised classifications to discriminate seaweed-dominated habitats through hyperspectral imaging data. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY. Cite
Helias, M., & Burel, T. (2023). Maerl-associated macroalgae in the bay of Brest (Brittany, France). Marine Biodiversity, 53(1), 14. Cite
Diruit, W., Le Bris, A., Bajjouk, T., Richier, S., Helias, M., Burel, T., Lennon, M., Guyot, A., & Ar Gall, E. (2022). Seaweed Habitats on the Shore: Characterization through Hyperspectral UAV Imagery and Field Sampling. Remote Sensing, 14(13), 3124. Cite
Burel, T., Schaal, G., Grall, J., Le Duff, M., & Gall, E. A. (2022). Clear-cut wave height thresholds reveal dominance shifts in assemblage patterns on rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 683, 21–36. Cite
Burel, T., Schaal, G., Grall, J., Le Duff, M., Chapalain, G., Schmitt, B., Gemin, M., Boucher, O., & Ar Gall, E. (2019). Small-scale effects of hydrodynamics on the structure of intertidal macroalgal communities: A novel approach. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 226, UNSP 106290. Cite
Burel, T., Grall, J., Schaal, G., Le Duff, M., & Ar Gall, E. (2020). Wave height vs. elevation effect on macroalgal dominated shores: an intercommunity study. Journal of Applied Phycology, 32(4), 2523–2534. Cite

Participation in research projects