Through the initiation of a 2-years master thesis of a Brazilian student (Suelen Silva, co-directed by Sophie Bertrand and Alex Costa da Silva), a work was initiated on the Fernando de Noronha archipelago study case to identify critical areas for conservation, for human uses (fishing, tourism, diving, etc.) and exploring possible scenarios of space sharing for reducing conflicts between these different dimensions.
This secondment was also used for continuing training and supervision of master students on seabird space use (UFAL, Leila Figueiredo; IRD, Amédée Roy) and on the artisanal fishery space-use (UFRPE, Tatiana Beltrao; UFAL Samantha Pereira); networking activities with Brazilian partners (UFAL, UFRGS and FURG) were also done. Finally new activities were also planned for documenting « space use by large fishes » with the LMI TAPIOCA through a pilot study proposal on barracuda at Fernando de Noronha archipelago.