Understanding the relationship between micronekton and the marine environment in the tropical Pacific Ocean.


Christophe Menkes (IRD ENTROPIE, Nouvelle Calédonie)

Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy (IRD, LEMAR)

Sorbonne Universités

The micronekton, present in all oceans, is a central link in food webs. Its study is essential for understanding the functioning of oceanic ecosystems. The aim of this thesis is to study the micronekton at the scale of the tropical Pacific, its links with the other links in the food web and the impact of environmental parameters on its distribution. This work is based on in situ data and acoustic measurements made during oceanographic campaigns (notably NECTALIS and WARMALIS). The work will involve linking active acoustic measurements with micronekton data obtained by trawling, with the aim of improving the classification of organisms present in the various Pacific ecosystems. In a second phase, the aim is to model (mainly statistical model) the link between environmental data and the spatial and temporal structure of the micronekton in order to understand the link between these variables at the scale of the tropical Pacific.

29 mai 2024


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