Light pollution impacts on organisms living in coastal environments


Damien TRAN (CNRS | EPOC | porteur)
Elodie FLEURY (Ifremer | LEMAR | responsable WP)

Project type




Project duration

Start Date


End Date



The objective of LUCIOLE aims to characterize and assess the impact of ALAN “Artificial Light At Night” on key coastal organisms by answering the question Does the light pollution at night disrupt the biological timing of marine organisms living in coastal environments and what are the consequences? This project will tackle fundamental gaps in the understanding of coastal ecosystems responses to ALAN, by carrying out the following research organized in four interconnected work packages. First in the WP1, ALAN will be characterized and mapped in a key coastal marine habitat (Arcachon bay, France) using remote sensing and multiscalar analysis of anthropization cartography approaches. Then based on WP1 finding, the WP2 will assess ALAN impacts on coastal species, the oyster Crassostrea gigas, by in-situ biomonitoring, using high frequency biosensors; in parallel, the WP3 will characterize ALAN impacts on the biological timing using LEDs lighting, by laboratory mechanistic approaches at behavioral and molecular scales; and finally based on WP2&3, the WP4 will assess the consequences of biological timing disruption by ALAN on physiology and pathology of the oyster.

The team


  • D. Tran (porteur du projet), A. Botté, L Payton, L. Bellec, Y. Geerebaert, D. Heroin (EPOC)
  • B. Nguyen, B. Nguyen, J. Chaurand, S. Potin, P. Delbar (LaTelescop)
  • J. Nabucet, L. Godet (LETG).