
Towards setting up a participatory observatory on the impact of socio-environmental transitions on water quality and biodiversity along the land-sea continuum in a context of climate change in Brittany


Anne Royer

Project type




CPER GLAZ et Région Bretagne/FEDER

Project duration

Start Date


End Date

The ECOFLUX-Bretagne project proposes to set up a participatory observatory in the Brittany region to assess the impact of socio-environmental transitions on water quality and biodiversity along the land-sea continuum, in a context of climate change. The low groundwater reserves in Brittany and the resulting shortening of the great water cycle mean that the negative impacts on water quality of domestic waste and the intensification of agriculture have appeared more quickly here than elsewhere. This hydrogeological particularity, exacerbated by the small size of the catchment areas, has nevertheless allowed us to observe the positive impact of the successive programs undertaken since then for the recovery of water quality, which is also proof of the mobilisation capacity of the Breton people. The ECOFLUX-Bretagne project has 3 main objectives: - Scientific: to provide data to study the impact of transitions and climate change on water quality and biodiversity. - Educational: educate young people and citizens about the challenges of transitions and climate, the complexity of human/nature interactions, and citizenship: learn by participating in the process of acquiring data and knowledge. - Territorial: participating in the transition of territories, promoting dialogue and action between players with often divergent interests, reinforcing stakeholders' capacity to act.

The team


  • Le projet est coordonné par Anne Royer (IUEM)
  • Christophe Piscard, Gérard Gruau (OSUR, Rennes)
  • Lycées agricoles
  • Syndicats de bassin versant