PhD student
Ifremer - UBO
PhD student
Ifremer - UBO
ICEfish – Impact of climates changes and an endocrine disruptor on the life cycle of a marine sentinel fish.
My thesis project consists in assessing the effects of climates changes (ocean warming and acidification) predicted by the IPCC’s worst-case pathway by 2100 and those associated with xenoestrogenic-type contamination on the complete life cycle of a temperate zone fish, the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus).
Two key questions will be explored :
(1) Do ocean acidification and warming conditions impact physiological functions, such as growth, development and reproduction of the stickleback and at what stage(s) of its life cycle ?
(2) Is this physiological response affected by additional stress (endocrine disruptor – ethynylestradiol) during larval development ?
The effects of multistress will be evaluated through the phenotypic characterization of the physiological functions of sticklebacks with biochemical, molecular and cellular biology approaches. This study could be used as a support to target the most vulnerable development stages and thus transpose the results on species of fisheries interest, with a longer life cycle.