Copyright : Laboratoire LEMAR- 2018
Grégory Charrier (UBO/LEMAR) & Claire Macher (IFREMER / AMURE)
Start Date
End Date
The future of Humans and fish pOPulations: fOstering interdisciPlinarity and transdisciPlinarity for sustainable marine social-ecological systems.
The main objective of HOPOPoP will consist in fOstering transdisciPlinarity and interdisciPlinarity for sustainable marine Social-Ecological Systems (SES). Embedded the promotion of an international reflexive approach and of strong and innovative connections between Science, Training, Action and Society, it will focus on building a trans-disciplinary collaborative platform gathering both scientists of different disciplines and local socio-economic actors, to develop integrated approaches and prospective scenarios to explore future scenarios for marine SES, using the example of the Iroise Sea (WP5).
This should provide knowledge, approaches and tools for capacity building in support of socio-ecosystem based management in the Iroise Sea, as well as in other marine areas in France and internationally, and establish international leadership of ISblue as a boundary organization to orchestrate inter and transdisciplinarity in marine science.
Companion Agent-Based modelling of the social-ecological system (WP4), virtual reality and serious games (WP6) will be developed to support the required interactivity between users/players and models needed to foster sustainable transition of marine SES. Information that will be necessary to construct these approaches and scenarios will be obtained by investigating the dynamics and evolution of the social-ecological system of the Iroise Sea regarding specifically spatial differentiation patterns of the main exploited populations and interactions between resources, uses (ie. commercial and recreational coastal fishing activities), governance and science (WP2 and 3).
The project presents a strong international dimension through the international advisory Board and the structuration in reflexive international workshops (WP1) which should enable to increase ISblue’s International attractivity and leadership, building experience from the Iroise Sea and from similar Marine Social-Ecological Systems.
These workshops, gathering scientists and managers worldwide, will aim at confronting the approach developed for the Iroise Sea to similar endeavours in other marine sites belonging in particular to the Long-Term Ecological Research network, in order to address transversal issues regarding the management of complex socio-ecological systems.
- Workshop 1 – Engagement of stakeholders in science and management
- Workshop 2 – Spatial adaptive management or connectivity
- Workshop 3 – Prospective and scenarios co-construction
HOPOPoP will also significantly strengthen the ISblue training strategy, by developing :
- Interdisciplinarity: building bridges among ISblue training programs through a common training unit on modelling complexity and use of virtual reality to explore multi-dimensional spatial scales
- Project-based training: serious games developed by students as part of the WP6 will be explored via projects included in the Ocean Hub Project
- Research-training interactions: inclusion of several Master and PhD students in the project
Actualités du projet
- 9 February 2024: EGEL Masters students present the results of their workshop – Recreational fishing in the Iroise – IUEM, Plouzané
- 8 – 12 January 2024: Mutualised Interdisciplinary Project “SEA serious” or how to model marine socio-ecosystems qualitatively through the design of serious games – IUEM, Plouzané
- 12 December 2023: 1st foresight workshop “What future for the Iroise Sea in 2040? – La Pérouse Library, Plouzané
- 14 to 16 November 2023: 1st international workshop “Marine protected areas as living labs: lessons learned & future perspective” – IUEM/IFREMER, Plouzané
- 2 October 2023: Anouk Villedieu joins the HOPOPoP project team for 18 months – LETG, IUEM, Plouzané
- 28 September 2023: Discussion meeting with project partners – PNBI, Plouzané
- 9 February 2023: Workshop on “Sharing dynamic knowledge and interactions between uses and resources in the Iroise” – IUEM/PNBI, Plouzané
- 3 February 2023: Project workshop “Sharing knowledge in the Iroise – focus on recreational/leisure activities”, IUEM, Plouzané
- 17-18 October 2022: Kickoff meeting – Iroise Marine Park, Le Conquet, France
- 30 March 2022: Thesis opening : “A Companion Agent-Based modelling approach to support sustainable management of marine social-ecological systems : application to the Iroise Sea”.
Unités de recherche “ISblue”
- AMURE (C. Macher ; F. Alban ; O. Thébaud ; M. Bellanger ; C. Le Grand ; M. Merzéréaud ; S. Léonardi ; M. Philippe ; F. Daures ; A. Pomade; A. Bommel ; S. Julien)
- DG Ifremer (D. Lacroix)
- DYNECO (C. Bacher; M. Marzloff)
- DECOD/LBH (M. Laurans; C. Lebigre; M. Woillez)
- LETG (I. Peuziat; P. Stéphan)
- ENIB – CERV ( R. Quérec)
- ISBLUE (R. Ruault; M. Kernec)
Collaborations “externes”
France :
International et Advisory Board:
Wageningen Univ. (Netherlands; M. Kraan)
CSIRO (Australia, R. Little et Fabio Boschetti)
LEI (Netherlands, Katell Hamon)
Univ. Hull (UK; M. Elliott)
DTU-AQUA (Denmark; D. Bekkevold)
AZTI (Spain, N. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta)
Univ. Hamburg ( Germany; V. Köpsel)
Non académiques :
Partenaires :
- PNMI – National Iroise Marine Park (Ph. Le Niliot)
- OFB – French Biodiversity Office (S. Tachoires, E. Gamp)
- Oceanopolis
Acteurs impliqués à différentes étapes du projet
- Acteurs socio-économiques des pêcheries d’Iroise
- Associations des usages récréatifs en Iroise
- Autres acteurs, usagers et citoyens