This first secondment in INDP concerned the collection of related texts on marine management in Cabo Verde. This step follow the idea of making an inventory of fixtures for this new political process. The project of writing an article concerning coastal management based on the new law taken by the State in 2016, has been also engaged with Elisia da Cryz (INDP) in order to find the link between the POOC (Planos de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira) and the implementation of marine spatial planning. An other project of article on the environment protection inteegration in marine spatial planning began during these secondements
The Workshop on “local communities and marine spatial planning”gathered 60 persons from Portugal, France, Cabo Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Sao-Tome e Principe. It provided an opportunity to present many scientific papers (see tab. Publications/events) It made it possible to develop interactions on the state of the art of the institutions and administrations responsible for the marine environment in Cape Verde.
The first analyses carried out on the Atlas of Marine Environmental Law (See Data library) in Cape Verde highlighted the sectoralization of Cape Verdean public policies and the recent nature of the texts regulating the marine environment.