Under the framework of Work Package 2, more precisely task 2.1 the work developed consisted in characterizing the current state of the art concerning the Cape Verdean ecosystem, while considering its tropical aspects. More precisely the work focused in compiling information to characterize the distribution and threats to seabirds. Therefore, meetings were held with INDP and non-governmental organizations such as Biosfera to identify data sources and compile existing informations.
To complete existing information a survey of wintering and non-seasonal breeding birds was performed on the Islands of Sto. Antão and S. Nicolau and the islets of Sta. Luzia and Raso (Desertas Natural Reserve). The survey covered the main feasible coastal areas, selected on the basis of previous publications or reports by local people and/or ornithologists, as well as interviews with local people.
Areas where seabirds occurred were mapped in these three islands, and the knowledge on the distribution of breeding seabirds increased substantially. An estimate of population size and an evaluation of threats were also performed. These two point highlight the importance of taking into account marine birds in the political process of marine spatial planning.