Connectivity of mangroves with adjacent ecosystems, Brazil - July 2018

09 Juillet 2018 - 01 Aout 2018

part of

Chefs de mission / chiefs scientist


This secondment consisted in meeting colleagues and PADDLE partners from UFPE and UFRPE for discussing state of the art and achievements thus far and in planning future activities in and around Recife.


We went to Tamadaré (PE, CEPENE) for selecting field study sites for a project on the connectivity of mangroves with adjacent ecosystems and its relevance for MSP.


A trip to Salvador and Jaguaripe (BA) allow us to select field study sites for a project (embedded in a CNPq granted project) on the connectivity of mangroves with adjacent ecosystems and its relevance for MSP.


Guilherme Abuchahla has performed prospection and selection of the sampling areas, according to the sampling design. The first three of the selected locations have been studied in cooperation and collaboration with the host institution, ranging from the access to research facilities and infrastructure, to the exchange of information on ecological and societal processes, as subsidies for the Ecosystem Dynamics for Marine Spatial Planning (work package 2, task 2.2). All scheduled samples have been collected accordingly.