Second Fish acoustic around Fernando de Noronha (FAROFA 1) survey and paper writing- March-June 2018

UFPE - Brazil
07 Avril 2018 - 07 Juin 2018

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On April 9-10, 2018 we organised a multidisciplinary workshop at UFPE with participants from UFPE, UFRPEand IRD. This workshop allowed to make a balance of available data and the first mapping of ecosystem structure and dynamics (Tasks 2.2 and 2.3).

To complement the data acquered during the sucessful first Fish acoustic around Fernando de Noronha (FAROFA 1) survey, from April 16-25 2018, we organised a second survey, FAROFA2 ( This survey allowed acquiring information about the abiotic and biotic characterisation of the ecosystem close to the archipelago in relation with fishing activities (Tasks 2.2 and 2.3). This survey was also used to acquire data for two female thesis students (Ramilla Assunção -UFPE and Julie Salvetat-UFRPE) and train them to acoustic techniques.

We also continued the integration of data from current and previous projects (e.g. Acoustic Along the Brazilian Coast surveys, FAROFA surveys) – Task 2.3.

Students advising was also an important aspect: PhD students: Ramilla Assunção (acoustics and oceanography – co-advised by Alex da Silva and Arnaud Bertrand), Julie Salvetat (acoustics and ecology – co-advised by Arnaud Bertrand and Paulo Travassos), Nathanael Dossa (current dynamics and connectivity - co-advised by Alex da Silva and Arnaud Bertrand), Leandro Nole (demersal and mesopelagic fish distribution – co-advised by Flávia Lucena-Frédou and Arnaud Bertrand).


Important work on writing publications with colleagues from the UFRPE and UFPE was performed (see D2.2). We can mention the writing of the following publications:

  • Eduardo L.N., Frédou T., Souza Lira A., Padovani Ferreira B., Bertrand A., Ménard F., Lucena Frédou F. Identifying key habitat and spatial patterns of fish biodiversity in the tropical Brazilian continental shelf. Continental Shelf Research, 166: 108-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2018.07.002. This article provides important insights for MSP.
  • Eduardo L.N., Teixeira B., Lucena Frédou F., Frédou T., Souza Lira A., Bertrand A., Mincarone M., 2018. First record of the intermediate scabbardfish Aphanopus intermedius Parin 1983 (Scombriformes: Trichiuridae) in the western South Atlantic. 2018. Journal of Fish Biology, 5: 992-995. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13796. This article provide new knowledge on fish biodiversity.
  • Eduardo L.N., Frédou T., Lira A.S., Santos Silva L.V., Padovani Ferreira B., Bertrand A., Ménard F., Lucena Frédou F. Length–Weight relationship of thirteen demersal fishes from the tropical Brazilian continental shelf. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35: 590–593. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13831
  • Eduardo L.N., Mincarone M.M., Villarins B.T., Frédou T., Souza Lira A., Bertrand A., Lucena Frédou F. Length–weight relationships of eleven mesopelagic fishes from oceanic islands of the Southwestern Tropical Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 35: 605–607. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13840
  • Preparation of a paper (Dossa et al.) on current dynamics
  • Preparation of a paper (Assunção et al.) on the thermohaline structure
  • Preparation of a paper (Salvetat et al.) on triggerfish acoustic response