Programme AWA

Ecosystem approach to fisheries and marine environmental management in West African waters



Project type



Le consortium AWA inclut dix pays (15 avec les partenaires associés) et plus d’une quarantaine de laboratoires. C’est une initiative de recherche trilatérale Allemagne-France et Afrique Sub-saharienne.

Project duration

Start Date


End Date


Following the AWA project (AWA’ Ecosystem Approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters (42 laboratories, 14 countries) (2 100 k€). PI: Patrice Brehmer), the general objective of the AWA programme is to support fisheries research in the 7 West African countries under the jurisdiction of the sub-regional fisheries commission (Mauritania, Senegal, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea and Sierra Leone) based in Senegal, without neglecting associated countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean coast such as the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, etc. The aim is to strengthen and develop a partnership that began in 2013 with CSRP and was formalised in 2018 by the signing of a framework collaboration agreement with IRD.

The interdisciplinary objective of AWA, centred on EAMME (Ecosystem Approach to the Management of fisheries and the Marine Environment), stems from the implementation of the AWA project (42 laboratories, more than 300 publications and communications, 4 international conferences bringing together more than a hundred institutions from Africa and Europe, a dozen campaigns at sea, etc.) The implementation of the EAMME, which transcends the sectoral approach, should be carried out by setting up a structured observatory based on the reflections carried out by the partners during the international conferences (ICAWA 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018) and sub-regional working groups. This “observatory” will be led by a West African network supported by a panel of technical and financial partners, who have shown their interest in the themes developed and supported by AWA in recent years. On the basis of the first phase of the AWA project, a research network is being set up and will be formalised. This will facilitate the search for funding in close collaboration with the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission SRFC.



Ongoing contracted projects from the AWA project

  • The AGD project (2 000 k€) federating the sub-region;
  • EU TriAtlas, (12 000 k€);
  • J_eau_J 2022 DK, (40 k€) ;
  • Solab federator for the Lemar (800 k€) ;
  • ClimAlg-SN (400 k€).

Completed projects from the AWA project

  • CEDUS’ Project of the European Union delegation to Senegal (2015-2016) (40 k€). PI L. Vidal (IRD).
  • PREFACE’, “Enhancing prediction of Tropical Atlantic clim…”(2013-2018) (12 000 k€). Core Theme leader theme (P Brehmer and J Schmidt), PI Noel Kleenlyside.
  • Triatlas’, “Tropical Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predict…” (2019-2023) (€15,000k) PI N Kleenlyside, co-PI Heino Fock ex- CoPI WP2 AWA and Co-PI WP3 Preface
  • PAMTilapia‘ Validation and transfer of technologies for mass production of fingerlings, Senegal. (2015-2017). (300 k€) PI Hamet Diadhiou (CRODT, Senegal)
  • LEHAO‘, JEAI, Laboratoire d’écologie Halieutique d’Afrique de l’Ouest, Co-PI P. Brehmer, (45 k€) (2015-2018).
  • FUSE (LEFE -CYBER) Functioning of the Senegal Upwelling, PI Xavier Capet (30 k€ )(CNRS, Locean)
  • ProCoca (LEFE -CYBER) Calibration of proxies (pH and SSTs) in coccoliths, PI Marie Boyé
  • AWATOX‘, Ecotoxicological survey, sediment ecotoxicity,…microplastic analysis., PI P. Brehmer.
  • AWArecif‘ Artificial reef in a No Fishing Zone (NFZ) of a co-management site, Ouakam (2015). PI P Brehmer
  • AWAToff ‘Using Maldi-Tof for specific discrimination of small pelagic eggs’; PI Timothée Borchier

Collaboration with projects

  • Euroargo (Joint campaign at sea; glider tracking/retrieval and argofloat deployment)
  • Mesa (Adivosry Board)
  • Anchoor (WP7)


Agreements on the basis of the AWA project

  • EU Preface consortium agreement with the AWA project
  • MOLOA consortium agreement with the AWA project
  • Abidjan Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the AWA project
  • EMESA of ECOWAS and African Union, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the AWA project
  • <IRD CSRP Framework Agreement

    <IRD DEEC Framework Agreement


  • IRD DAMCP Framework Agreement


Campaigns at sea

  • AWA (Thalassa, Ifremer)
  • ECOAO (Antéa, IRD)
  • Upsen1&2 (Suroit, Ifremer & Antea, IRD)
  • Miniscopes (TTSM ship)
  • A15 (Itafe Deme, ISRA/CRODT)
  • PNBA campaign (Amrigue, IMROP)
  • JEAI LEHAO Campaign 1 to 7 (Diassanga, IRD)
  • Awatox Campaigns 1 to 8 (Outboard)
  • Awarecif campaigns 1 to 7 (dugout)
  • Maria S meran (ZMT)
  • Meteor (Geomar)
  • Polarstern (Geomar)


The project has enabled the setting up or support of IRD institutional tools

  • Integration in the Regional Pilot Project “PPR” Cute on upwelling systems
  • .

  • Mounting International Mixed Laboratory (LMI) Eclaire in phase 1;
  • Support to the International Joint Laboratory (IML) Patéo;
  • Mounting of the young team associated with IRD (JEAI) via the creation of the West African Fisheries Ecology Laboratory (LEHAO) (2015-2018);
  • Integration in the PSIP Interdisciplinary and Partnership Structuring Programmes “Global changes and emerging infectious risks”;
  • Integration into the PSIP Interdisciplinary and Partnership Structuring Programmes “Vulnerability of coastal zones in a context of global change”
  • .

Project under review from AWA

  • ClimAlg; PI Birgit Quark (Geomar, Germany)
  • ICEWA; PI P Brehmer & R Almar (IRD, France)
  • CS4AWA; PI Noel Kleenlyside (UiB, Norway)
  • Aurita; PI Timothée Brochier (IRD, Senegal)
  • Alliance; PI Brehmer Patrice
  • ANR Agrobiosphere
  • ANR France-Quebec; PI Sophie Dabo (University of Lille, France)
  • NextGemes; PI Bjorn Stevens (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany)

The team


42 laboratoires dont en France les UMR Lemar, UMR EME et Ecolag devenus UMR Marbec, UMMISCO, UMR Legos, UMR Locean, UMR MIVEGEC, UMR Urmite, UMR Paloc, US Imago, l’IUEM (Pôle Image), hors IRD les UMR Amure, UMR LDO etc.. liste non exhaustive ; TI, SRFC, Geomar, ZMT, University de Kiel, CNRS, Ifremer, UiB, CRODT, IMROP, CNSHB, INDP, CIPA, IRHOB, CRO, ANACIM, IUPA, CSE, LPAOSF, UGB, UASZ, UADB, DAMCP, IUPA, LERG, ISE, Rampao, ….