SPHEROGRAPHIA » WP5 Open & Creative Science

WP5 Open & Creative Science


WP5 is dedicated to open science with a double objective. The first is to open up the results of the research by widely disseminating the scientific production during the project and by ensuring the preservation and interoperability of the data to promote their reproduction and reuse (5.1).

The second is to open up the research process by promoting meetings between researchers and artists to stimulate creativity through the joint construction of a travelling exhibition (5.2)


5.1. Sharing knowledge. The resources produced by the project (data, codes, etc.) will be organized and structured according to FAIR principles18 to facilitate their accessibility and reuse beyond the team. SPHEROGRAPHIA also intends to use a wide range of channels for the dissemination of research in progress via:

  • The creation, in the first few weeks, of a website fed by the publications and resources.
  • The organization, video recording and online publishing of conferences open to a wider audience than the members of the team to invite testimonials from notable scientifics. Foreign academic partners from the University of Geneva, the University of Laval and the UTAQ are the first guests of this program, which will then open up beyond the project members. Tim Ingold has already agreed to participate.
  • The co-organization of a summer school "Critical approach to GIScience" with the GdR MAGIS. 

5.2. Co-producing knowledge. This WP can also be conceived as a "third space" where scientists from the various WPs will come together to explore and co-construct with artists new ways of exploiting their results. This approach is envisaged in three stages: first, the participation of artists as observers in the semi-annual project seminar to become familiar with the questionings, methodological explorations and initial analyses of the researchers; then research-creation workshops, by sub-group, allowing joint construction of works of art using the research material.

Finally, the collective conception of a travelling Arts/Sciences exhibition. Hosted by 3 of the 4 partner museums, this exhibition is an integral part of the research process since it serves as a forum for elicitation techniques: the artworks and the intermediate scientific results will be presented to target audiences in order to gauge their reactions (institutional players, NGOs, indigenous communities). Finally, an end-of-project colloquium associating artists and scientists will close the project at the Musée d'Aquitaine in Bordeaux at the end of 2025.

Résultats attendus

  • On the project's website, all the links to the research material (data, publications, codes) deposited in institutional platforms under free license are centralized.
  • The videos of the conferences with the notable scientifics are disseminated on line19.
  • Artworks (visual arts with Alice Raymond, digital arts with Les Morphogénistes) are produced, including the conception of 5 globes manufactured and customized by the Geographer-Artisan Alain Sauter with the data from the project.
  • An itinerant exhibition presents these artworks by associating them with visuals from the catalog of virtual globes elaborated in WP2, interactive geo-visualizations from WP3, texts on the unequal geo-digitalization of the world from WP4.
  • The proceedings of the final colloquium associating Arts and Sciences are published under a hybrid format (hard-copy supplemented by an augmented web version).

  • [Expo Mana] Scénographie Mana (module d'exposition, panneau extérieur, mur d'accueil)
    Versions finales pour l'exposition de Mana (avant fabrication)
  • [Expo Mana] Plaquette
    Plaquette 4 pages, version Web et Print
  • [EXPO Mana] Supports de communication
    Affiche A3, bandeaux site web, visuel Insta pour communiquer sur l'expo