GEOarchaeology and PRehistory of Atlantic Societies
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Institute of Genetics & Development of Rennes (IGDR)
Financeur du programme
programme national
The GEOPRAS consortium comprises seven partners that have been involved for several years in coastal archaeology. Our programme studies the coastal societies of recent Prehistory (Mesolithic and Neolithic) on the French Atlantic shores in order to understand their social and economic organization and the role they play in broader historical dynamics such as neolithization. Characteristics such as the accumulation of goods through storage, specialised modes of production, and the emergence of a social hierarchy or a sedentary lifestyle are often attributed to these coastal populations, on the basis of ethnographic documents from the last two centuries. However, each of these social manifestations must be described according to regional environmental variables, without evolutionary preconceptions. Our research hypothesis is that environmental dynamics have greatly facilitated certain forms of historical evolution. This encourages us to determine with greater precision the nature of these environmental transformations, then to analyse human networks at the continent-ocean interface.
The first task will be to restore the environmental benchmarks. During the Mesolithic and Neolithic periods, most coastal landscapes were radically transformed by the sea-level rise and the associated processes of erosion and sedimentation. The coastal environments of the past will be reproduced through a three-level approach combining a large scale (region) with an intermediate scale (nearby landscape) and a local scale (archaeological site). Our consortium proposes a combination of methods suited to different geographical conditions (dunes, rocky coasts, marshlands) around the Bay of Biscay, testing the limits of several of them. To gain the best possible understanding of an "archaeological signal", the GEOPRAS project will focus on developing rapid intervention and rescue methods for archaeology and geoarchaeology. We intend to apply these methods to sites currently being excavated or whose exploration is planned as part of the project, such as foreshore and marshland sites and shell middens. Optimal integrated methods and procedures will be developed for the recording of archaeological remains, which are often ephemeral on foreshores, as well as for sampling, particularly in shell middens. These procedures include geophysical surveys, archaeozoology, micromorphology, geochemistry, taphonomy, metagenomic approaches, and OSL datings.
The second task is to study how human societies have managed the land-sea interface. Shell middens have become the emblematic nodes of these coastal Holocene settlements because they contain an abundance of bio-archaeological data. They will be analysed to judge biodiversity as well as food practices.
The third task is to understand the specific features of technical systems in a maritime context, especially seafaring. This technical field is at the heart of all the questions raised about the relationships between coastal areas, as well as the decisive features of the various technical systems developed in these areas. To overcome the lack of knowledge of prehistoric watercraft, we suggest an approach, based on three disciplinary poles in permanent interaction: 1) ethnographic and historical references, 2) technological and use-wear analyses of lithic and bone tools, 3) experimentation.
In addition to proposing methodological developments, we aim to lay down the conceptual, methodological and technical foundations of a maritime prehistory with procedures adapted to coastal heritage. The results will be included in a handbook of maritime prehistory, to be published in French and English. The involvement of amateur archaeologists, observers, tourists and other citizens in scientific tasks will be anticipated and coordinated by inviting them to take part in the main scientific meetings and, of course, in field operations such as surveys, excavations and experiments.
Coordinateurs: Catherine Dupont, Florence Verdin, Florence Verdin, Julie PIERSON, Marylise Onfray, Pierre Stéphan
Contributeurs: Alessandro Marcuzzi, Aneta Gorczynska, Axel Creach, Clément Coutelier, Clément Nicolas, Colas Guéret, Cyrille Billard, Elias Lopez-Romero, Eléna Paillet, Florence Verdin, Florence Verdin, François Lévêque, Frederique Hubler, Gillian Stéphan, Guillaume Guérin, Jean-Marc Large, Jorge Calvo, Jorge CALVO-GOMEZ, Jérôme Ammann, Mathias Rouan, Michel Philippe, Morgane Ollivier, Oliveira Oliveira, Olivia Hulot, Olivier Kayser, Philippe Guillonnet, Régis Debruyne, Serge Suanez, Tempère Audrey, Vincent Ard, Vivien Mathé, Yoann Chantreau, Yvan Pailler, Yves-marie Paulet
Observateurs: Eléna Paillet
Dernières annonces
Save the Date - Réunion plénière GEOPRAS - 30-31 janvier 2025 à Rennes - 10/10/2024
La prochaine réunion plénière du projet GEOPRAS aura lieu les 30-31 janvier 2025 à Rennes (campus de Beaulieu)
Sommaire provisoire de l'ouvrage GEOPRAS # RELANCE - 18/04/2024
(2 commentaires)
Séminaire Out of shell / Sortir de sa coquille, le 24 mai 2024 à Rennes et en ligne - 18/04/2024
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