PhD at the University of the Azores, Biology Department, in 2013, on Marine Sciences: Marine Spatial Planning in Marine Protected Areas - established zoning for the protected area of resource management Caloura – Vila Franca do Campo. Master degree in Management and Nature Conservation, in 2005: Environmental monitoring indicators for Azores Coastal Zone Management and a Biology degree by the University of the Azores, in 2000: Biology and population structure of hermit crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) of São Miguel coast. Research has been developed in the fields of biology and marine ecology, environmental planning and regional planning. Main research interests focus also on biodiversity management, environmental management, monitoring, marine protected areas, marine spatial planning and aquaculture. Currently postdoc research focus on suitable seascapes planning for touristic purposes at Faculty of Science and Technology / University of the Azores.