message de MN Houssais: H2020 ARICE - questionnaire on transnational access to research icebreakers in the Arctic

message de MN Housais: H2020 ARICE - questionnaire on transnational access to research icebreakers in the Arctic
Ajouté par Claudie Marec il y a presque 3 ans

Cher(e)s collegues,

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le lien vers un questionnaire lancé dans le cadre du projet européen ARICE qui vise à faciliter l'acces transnational aux brise-glaces pour la recherche en Arctique.

Vous etes encourages a y repondre si cette initiative vous interesse. Les informations qui seront recueillies permettront en effet d'evaluer le besoin et les modalites operationnelles relatifs a ces brise-glaces et d'envisager la suite a donner au projet ARICE.

Bien cordialement,

Marie-Noelle Houssais


We are looking for information on how we can improve transnational access to research icebreakers. These are often operated as national assets and different operators have different pathways to involve foreign scientists. However Arctic research could benefit from easier and broader access to the few research icebreakers in operation. How to facilitate this?

Please share your expereince and suggestions on how this goal can be met. This follows a workshop that took place during ASSW 2021 organised by FARO, INTERACT, APECS and ARICE.

Short link to this form:
