Current call for applications for Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups 2022

Ajouté par Dominique Simon il y a environ 3 ans

Current call for applications for Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups 2022


Dear colleagues,


may I ask you to post a call for Helmholtz Young Investigator Groups at the AWI via your networks (particular the first two positions may be of interest):

The Science Manager of AWI's Directorate's Office just informed about a call for three positions at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven:

1) Ecology of Antarctic Benthic Habitats
2) The Role of Meroplankton in sustaining benthic assemblages in a changing Arctic Ocean
3) Statistical solutions to environmental and climate data analysis
4) Computational solutions for Earth System Modeling

The program is aimed at young researchers who completed their doctorate between two and six years ago. Periods of child-rearing that fall within the postdoc phase can be credited with up to two years per child.

In addition, candidates must have relevant experience abroad: At least six months should have been spent continuously working internationally, whether during the doctoral or postdoctoral phase. Periods of earning an academic degree abroad or coordinating a major international project will also be considered.

Further details about the well financed and supported positions can be found in the outline below and the attched documents. (5,46 Mo) Dominique Simon, 06/01/2022 10:13
