"Integrating Arctic Research - A Roadmap For The Future"
Rapport (en fichier joint) de: third International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP III), "Integrating Arctic Research - A Roadmap For The Future"
- the overarching research priorities are on:
Role of the Arctic in the global system;
Prediction of future climate dynamics and ecosystem responses;
Improved understanding of the vulnerability and resilience of Arctic environments and societies.
- une feuille de route sur recherche arctique, avec comme conclusion
"Emphasis should be placed on:
• New approaches, integrating scientifi c disciplines and bringing in local and regional rights holders and stakeholders in a knowledge-based dialogue through trans-disciplinarity;
• Co-designed, solutions-oriented science, informing policies, programs and initiatives that address major Arctic and global sustainability challenges;
• Comprehensive, high-quality observations of the rapidly changing Arctic.
- dates sur de futurs séminaires et colloques indiqués en fin de document (principalement pour 2024....)