
At the International Chair in Marine Ecosystem Services, research is conducted on the human uses of the sea and coast. We are working more specifically on three themes : Mapping ecosystem services, Global environmental change and Blue carbon.

Mapping Ecosystem Services

Spatially explicit data visualization is extremely relevant when it comes to the understanding of the benefits of marine ecosystems. 

Global environmental change

Global Environmental Change

Ocean acidification, climate change and other stressors affect the global environment. How are people impacted? What can science do? These are the questions we tackle.

Blue Carbon in Coastal Ecosystems

Blue Forets are located in coastal areas

Blue Carbon deals with the Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Coastal Ecosystems. Our team is involved in an international project on Blue Forests and is working with international scientists to develop a Blue Carbon Think Tank for French-speaking countries.

Research Questions

Across this suite of projects, we work with our collaborators to tackle the following research questions:

  • Can we use spatially explicit data visualizations (especially maps) to understand the benefits of marine ecosystems, especially when those benefits accrue to people far from the ecosystems where they are produced?

  • Can we use indicators and indicator analysis to identify places where investments in new science, data, and management can yield greatest benefits to people?

  • Is it possible to use new types of data, including satellite, remote sensing, automated vessel data, and in situ data to assess and monitor marine ecosystem services that were previously too difficult to monitor?

  • Can payments for ecosystem services, including payments for carbon offsets, be used to promote better conservation in countries with coastal ecosystems that store carbon?