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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Hay, AE and Sheng, J (1992).
Vertical Profiles of Suspended Sand Concentration and Size From Multifrequency Acoustic Backscatter
Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(C10):15,661–15,677.

IPCS (1992).
World Health Organiza tion, International Programme on Chemical Safety, Geneva, Switzerland.

Kifani, S and Gohin, F (1992).
Dynamique de l'upwelling et variabilité spatio-temporelle de la répartition de la sardine marocaine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792)
Oceanologica acta, 15(2):173–186.

Martinez Lopez, CM and David, PM (1992).
Application de la régression en composantes principales du traitement des données acoustiques multifréquence: estimation des abondances du Zooplancton
PhD Thesis, Université de la Méditerranée (Aix Marseille II), Marseille, France.

Menioui, M (1992).
Etude faunistique et écologique des peuplements infralittoraux superficiels des côtes rocheuses du Maroc. IV-Peuplement à Cystoseira stricta
Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 16:94–101.

Saager, PM, De Baar, HJ, and Howland, RJ (1992).
Cd, Zn, Ni and Cu in the Indian Ocean
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 39(1):9-35.

Sidoumou, Z, Roméo, M, Gnassia-Barelli, M, Nguyen, P, and Caruba, R (1992).
Détermination de la qualité des eaux du littoral mauritanien par la mesure des métaux traces chez les mollusques Donax rugosus et Venus verrucosa. Assessment of water quality on the mauritanian coast by measurement of trace metals in Donax rugosus and Venus verrucosa molluscs
Hydroécologie Appliquée, 4.

Belvèze, H (1991).
Influence des facteurs hydroclimatiques sur la pêcherie marocaine de petits pélagiques côtiers
In: Cury, P. & Roy, C. (Eds). Pêcheries ouest africaines : variabilité, instabilité et changement, pp. 209–233, ORSTOM, Paris. (ISBN: 2-7099-1040-3).

Fisher, NS and Reinfelder, JR (1991).
Assimilation of selenium in the marine copepod Acartia tonsa studied with a radiotracer ratio method.
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf, 70(2):157-164.

Hernández-León, S (1991).
Accumulation of mesozooplankton in a wake area as a causative mechanism of the island-mass effect?
Marine Biology, 109(1):141-147.

Kifani, S (1991).
Approche spatio-temporelle des relations hydroclimat-dynamique des espèces pélagiques en région d'upwelling: cas de la sardine du stock central marocain
Thèse de Doctorat, Univ. de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.

Lloris, D, Rucabado, J, and Figueroa, H (1991).
Biogeography of the Macaronesian Ichthyofauna (The Azores, Madeira, The Canary islands, Cape Verde and the african enclave).
Boletin Museu Municipal do Funchal, 43(234):191–241.

Marchal, E (1991).
Location of the main West African pelagic stocks
In: Pêcheries ouest africaines : variabilité, instabilité et changement, ed. by Cury, P. and Roy, C., pp. 187-191, Casablanca, Maroc, ORSTOM Editions. Colloques et Séminaires.

Reinfelder, J and Fisher, N (1991).
The Assimilation of Elements Ingested by Marine Copepods
Science, 251(4995):794-796.

Van Camp, L, Nykjaer, L, Mittelstaedt, E, and Schlittenhardt, P (1991).
Upwelling and boundary circulation off Northwest Africa as depicted by infrared and visible satellite observations
Progress in Oceanography, 26(4):357–402.

Bakun, A (1990).
Global Climate Change and Intensification of Coastal Ocean Upwelling
Science, 247(4939):198-201.

Bourgoin, BP (1990).
Mytilus edulis shell as a bioindicator of lead pollution: Considerations on bioavailability and variability.
Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf, 61(3):253-262.

Chapman, PM (1990).
The sediment quality triad approach to determining pollution-induced degradation
Science of the Total Environment, 97-98:815–825.

Cossa, D and Lassus, P (1989).
Le cadmium en milieu marin: biogéochimie et ecotoxicologie
IFREMER, Nantes, France.

Mittelstaedt, E (1989).
The subsurface circulation along the Moroccan slope
In: Coastal and Estuarine Studies, ed. by Neshyba, S. J. and Mooers, Ch. N. K. and Smith, R. L. and Barber, R. T., vol. 34, pp. 96–109, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C. (ISBN: 0-387-97175-0).

Portmann, JE (1989).
State of the marine environment: West and Central African Region

Rüger, H (1989).
Benthic studies of the northwest African upwelling region psychrophilic and psychrotrophic bacterial communities from areas with different upwelling intensities
Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 57:45–52.

Schulz-Baldes, M (1989).
The sea-skater Halobates micans: an open ocean bioindicator for cadmium distribution in Atlantic surface waters
Marine Biology, 102(2):211–215.

Tan, TL and Rüger, H (1989).
Benthic studies of the Northwest African upwelling region: bacteria standing stock and ETS-activity, ATP-biomass and Adenylate Energy Charge
Marine ecology-progress series, 51:167–176.

Thomann, RV (1989).
Bioaccumulation model of organic chemical distribution in aquatic food chains
Environmental Science & Technology, 23(6):699-707.

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