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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Barton, ED, Arístegui, J, Tett, P, Cantón, M, García-Braun, J, Hernández-León, S, Nykjaer, L, Almeida, C, Almunia, J, Ballesteros, S, Basterretxea, G, Escánez, J, García-Weill, L, Hernández-Guerra, A, López-Laatzen, F, Molina, R, Montero, MF, Navarro-Pérez, E, Rodríguez, JM, van Lenning, K, Vélez, H, and Wild, K (1998).
The transition zone of the Canary Current upwelling region
Progress In Oceanography, 41(4):455-504.

Binet, D, Samb, B, Taleb Sidi, M, Levenez, JJ, and Servain, J (1998).
Sardine and other pelagic fisheries changes associated with multi-year trade wind increases in the Southern Canary current (1998). Global versus local changes in upwelling systems
In: Durand, et al. (Eds): Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, pp. 211-233, Monterey (USA), 1994/09/06-08, ORSTOM Editions. Colloques et Séminaires.

Bustamante, P, Caurant, F, Fowler, SW, and Miramand, P (1998).
Cephalopods as a vector for the transfer of cadmium to top marine predators in the north-east Atlantic Ocean
The Science of The Total Environment, 220(1):71-80.

Chiahou, B and Menioui, M (1998).
Diversité biologique des copépodes des côtes marocaines
Rapports Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée, 35:408–409.

Chiahou, B, Ramdani, M, and Menioui, M (1998).
Structure biogéographique des copépodes des côtes marocaines
Rapports Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée, 35:406–407.

Cole, J and McGlade, J (1998).
Clupeoid Population Variability, the Environment and Satellite Imagery in Coastal Upwelling Systems
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 8(4):445-471.

Collins, A, Stapleton, M, and Whitmarsh, D (1998).
Fishery-pollution interactions: A modelling approach to explore the nature and incidence of economic damages
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 36(3):211-221.

Demarcq, H (1998).
Spatial and temporal dynamics of the upwelling off Senegal and Mauritania: local change and trend
In: Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, Orstom ed. Paris, pp. 149–166, ORSTOM.

Grousset, F, Parra, M, Bory, A, Martinez, P, Bertrand, P, Shimmield, G, and Ellam, R (1998).
Saharan wind regimes traced by the Sr–Nd isotopic composition of subtropical Atlantic sediments: Last Glacial Maximum vs today
Quaternary Science Reviews, 17(4-5):395-409.

Holliday, DV, Pieper, RE, Greenlaw, CF, and Dawson, JK (1998).
Acoustical sensing of small-scale vertical structures in zooplankton assemblages
Oceanography, 11:18-23.

Jarre-Teichmann, A (1998).
The potential role of mass balance models for the management of upwelling ecosystems
Ecological Applications, 8(sp1):93-103.

Jorissen, F, Wittling, I, Peypouquet, J, Rabouille, C, and Relexans, J (1998).
Live benthic foraminiferal faunas off Cape Blanc, NW-Africa: Community structure and microhabitats
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 45(12):2157-2188.

Kifani, S (1998).
Climate dependent fluctuations of the Moroccan sardine and their impact on fisheries
In: Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, pp. 235-248, Monterey (USA), 1994/09/06-08, ORSTOM.

Lloris, D and Rucabado, J (1998).
Guide d'identification des ressources marines vivantes du Maroc
Food & Agriculture Org., Rome, Italy. Guide FAO d’identification des espèces pour les besoins de la pêche. (ISBN: 9789252041627).

Peterson, W (1998).
Life cycle strategies of copepods in coastal upwelling zones
Journal of Marine Systems, 15(1-4):313-326.

Reinfelder, JR, Fisher, NS, Luoma, SN, Nichols, JW, and Wang, WX (1998).
Trace element trophic transfer in aquatic organisms: A critique of the kinetic model approach
Science of The Total Environment, 219(2-3):117-135.

Roy, C and Mendelssohn, R (1998).
The development and the use of a climatic database for CEOS using the COADS dataset
In: Durand Marie-Hélène (ed.), Cury Philippe (ed.), Mendelssohn R. (ed.), Roy Claude (ed.), Bakun A. (ed.), Pauly D. (ed.): Global versus local changes in upwelling systems, pp. 27–44, ORSTOM, Paris, France. Colloques et Séminaires.

Schmieder, F and Meggers, H (1998).
Canary Islands 1996/97. Cruise No. 37. 4 December 1996-22 January 1997
Institut für Meereskunde des Universität Hamburg.

Wang, WX and Fisher, NS (1998).
Accumulation of trace elements in a marine copepod
Limnology and oceanography, 43(2):273-283.

Arístegui, J, Tett, P, Hernández-Guerra, A, Basterretxea, G, Montero, M, Wild, K, Sangrá, P, Hernández-Leon, S, Canton, M, García-Braun, J, Pacheco, M, and Barton, E (1997).
The influence of island-generated eddies on chlorophyll distribution: a study of mesoscale variation around Gran Canaria
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 44(1):71-96.

Dyer, S, Belanger, S, and Carr, G (1997).
An initial evaluation of the use of Euro/North American fish species for tropical effects assessments
Chemosphere, 35(11):2767-2781.

Najimi, S, Bouhaimi, A, Daubèze, M, Zekhnini, A, Pellerin, J, Narbonne, JF, and Moukrim, A (1997).
Use of Acetylcholinesterase in Perna perna and Mytilus galloprovincialis as a Biomarker of Pollution in Agadir Marine Bay (South of Morocco)
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 58(6):901-908.

Neuer, S, Ratmeyer, V, Davenport, R, Fischer, G, and Wefer, G (1997).
Deep water particle flux in the Canary Island region: seasonal trends in relation to long-term satellite derived pigment data and lateral sources
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 44(8):1451–1466.

Peters, EC, Gassman, NJ, Firman, JC, Richmond, RH, and Power, EA (1997).
Ecotoxicology of tropical marine ecosystems
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16(1):12-40.

Reinfelder, JR, Wang, WX, Luoma, SN, and Fisher, NS (1997).
Assimilation efficiencies and turnover rates of trace elements in marine bivalves: a comparison of oysters, clams and mussels
Marine Biology, 129(3):443-452.

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