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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Sen, AK (2000).
Repenser l'inégalité
Éditions du Seuil. L'histoire immédiate. (ISBN: 2020201631).

Weaver, PPE, Wynn, RB, Kenyon, NH, and Evans, J (2000).
Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to the north‐east Atlantic margin
Sedimentology, 47(s1):239-256.

Wynn, RB, Masson, DG, Stow, DA, and Weaver, PP (2000).
Turbidity current sediment waves on the submarine slopes of the western Canary Islands
Marine Geology, 163(1-4):185-198.

Zhou, M, Paduan, JD, and Niiler, PP (2000).
Surface currents in the Canary Basin from drifter observations
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(C9):21893-21911.

Cheggour, M, Langston, WJ, Chafik, A, Texier, H, Idrissi, H, and Boumezzough, A (1999).
Phosphate industry discharges and their impact on metal contamination and intertidal macrobenthos: Jorf Lasfar and Safi coastlines (Morocco)
Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 70(1-2):159-179.

Chiffoleau, JF, Gonzalez, JL, Miramand, P, and Thouvenin, B (1999).
Le cadmium: comportement d'un contaminant métallique en estuaire
IFREMER. Programme scientifique Seine-Aval. (ISBN: 2844330274).

Cullen, J, Lane, T, Morel, F, and Sherrell, R (1999).
Modulation of cadmium uptake in phytoplankton by seawater CO2 concentration
Nature, 402(6758):165-167.

Dartige, AY (1999).
Etude des polluants chimiques (Cu, Fe, Zn, Cd et Hg) dans les moules ( Perna perna) prélevées au niveau de la baie du Lévrier.
Thèse de 3ème cycle, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France.

Das, S and Jana, BB (1999).
Dose-dependent uptake and Eichhornia-induced elimination of cadmium in various organs of the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis (Linn.)
Ecological Engineering, 12(3-4):207-229.

Davenport, R, Neuer, S, Hernandez-Guerra, A, Rueda, MJ, Llinas, O, Fischer, G, and Wefer, G (1999).
Seasonal and interannual pigment concentration in the Canary Islands region from CZCS data and comparison with observations from the ESTOC
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(7):1419–1433.

Henshel, DS, Black, MC, and Harrass, MC (1999).
Environmental toxicology and risk assessment: standardization of biomarkers for endocrine dissruption and environmental assessment
ASTM International. (ISBN: 9780803126183).

Kracker, LM (1999).
The geography of fish: the use of remote sensing and spatial analysis tools in fisheries research
The Professional Geographer, 51(3):440–450.

Mohamedou, AO, Aventurier, A, Barbiero, L, Caruba, R, and Valles, V (1999).
Geochemistry of clay dunes and associated pan in the Senegal Delta, Mauritania
Arid Land Research and Management, 13(3):265-280.

Ould-Dedah, S, Wiseman, WJ, and Shaw, RF (1999).
Spatial and temporal trends of sea surface temperature in the northwest African region
Oceanologica Acta, 22(3):265-279.

Pacheco, M and Hernandez-Guerra A., A (1999).
Seasonal variability of recurrent phytoplankton pigment patterns in the Canary Islands area
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(7):1405-1418.

Roméo, M, Siau, Y, Sidoumou, Z, and Gnassia-Barelli, M (1999).
Heavy metal distribution in different fish species from the Mauritania coast
The Science of The Total Environment, 232(3):169-175.

Shafe, M (1999).
Pêche des bivalves sur la côte méditéranéenne marocaine: Catalogue d'espèces exploitées et d'engins utilisés

Sidoumou, Z, Gnassia-Barelli, M, Siau, Y, and Romeo, M (1999).
Study of heavy metals in two species of molluscs from the Mauritania coast, Crassostrea gigas and Perna perna
Journal de recherche oceanographique. Paris, 24(1):13–18.

Targarona, J, Warnaar, J, Boessenkool, KP, Brinkhuis, H, and Canals, M (1999).
Recent Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the North Canary Basin, NW Africa
Grana, 38(2-3):170–178.

UNEP (1999).
Overview of Land-based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine, Coastal and Associated Freshwater Environment in the West and Central African Region

Weigel, JY (1999).
Dynamiques d'exploitation et de valorisation des petits pélagiques marins en Afrique de l'Ouest
Food & Agriculture Org., Rome, Italy. FAO Document technique sur les pêches.

Allison, GW, Lubchenco, J, and Carr, MH (1998).
Marine reserves are necessary but not sufficient for marine conservation
Ecological Applications, 8(sp1):79-92.

Almeida, MJ, Machado, J, Moura, G, Azevedo, M, and Coimbra, J (1998).
Temporal and local variations in biochemical composition of Crassostrea gigas shells
Journal of Sea Research, 40(3-4):233-249.

Arino, O, Lhassan Hbid, M, and Bravo de la Parra, R (1998).
A mathematical model of growth of population of fish in the larval stage: Density-dependence effects
Mathematical Biosciences, 150(1):1-20.

Barton, ED (1998).
Eastern boundary of the North Atlantic: Northwest Africa and Iberia. Coastal segment (18, E)
In: Robinson, A.R. & Brink, K.H. (eds), The sea: The Global Coastal Ocean, vol. 11, pp. 633-657, Wiley.

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