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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Gelado-Caballero, MD, López-García, P, Prieto, S, Patey, MD, Collado, C, and Hérnández-Brito, JJ (2012).
Long-term aerosol measurements in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands: Particle concentration, sources and elemental composition
Journal of Geophysical Research, 117:15 PP..

Godø, OR, Samuelsen, A, Macaulay, GJ, Patel, R, Hjøllo, SS, Horne, J, Kaartvedt, S, and Johannessen, JA (2012).
Mesoscale Eddies Are Oases for Higher Trophic Marine Life
PLoS ONE, 7(1):e30161.

Hilmi, K, Benazzouz, A, Bouksim, H, Atillah, A, Bentamy, A, Demarcq, H, and El Moussaoui, A (2012).
Bulletin National de l’Upwelling, Institut National de Recherche Halieutique (Maroc). N° 12-DEC2012.
Miscellaneous publication.

Hinz, H, Murray, LG, Lambert, GI, Hiddink, JG, and Kaiser, MJ (2012).
Confidentiality over fishing effort data threatens science and management progress
Fish and Fisheries, In press.

Jager, T and Zimmer, EI (2012).
Simplified Dynamic Energy Budget model for analysing ecotoxicity data
Ecological Modelling, 225(0):74-81.

Jones, MC, Dye, SR, Pinnegar, JK, Warren, R, and Cheung, WW (2012).
Modelling commercial fish distributions: Prediction and assessment using different approaches
Ecological Modelling, 225(0):133-145.

Lachkar, Z and Gruber, N (2012).
The future of coastal upwelling ecosystems: the impact of potential wind changes on ocean acidification and coastal hypoxia
In: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, vol. 14, pp. 9848.

Lam, VWY, Cheung, WWL, Swartz, W, and Sumaila, UR (2012).
Climate change impacts on fisheries in West Africa: implications for economic, food and nutritional security
African Journal of Marine Science, 34(1):103–117.

Makaoui, A, Orbi, A, Arestigui, J, Azzouz, AB, Laarissi, J, Agouzouk, A, and Hilmi, K (2012).
Hydrological seasonality of cape Ghir filament in morocco
Natural Science, 4(1):5-13.

Martín, JL, Bethencourt, J, and Cuevas-Agulló, E (2012).
Assessment of global warming on the island of Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Trends in minimum, maximum and mean temperatures since 1944
Climatic Change, In press.

Monna, F, Bouchaou, L, Rambeau, C, Losno, R, Bruguier, O, Dongarrà, G, Black, S, and Chateau, C (2012).
Lichens Used as Monitors of Atmospheric Pollution Around Agadir (Southwestern Morocco) - A Case Study Predating Lead-Free Gasoline
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 223(3):1263-1274.

Monterroso, O, Riera, R, and Núñez, J (2012).
Subtidal soft-bottom macroinvertebrate communities of the Canary Islands. An ecological approach
Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 60(1):1-9.

Moore, TS, Dowell, MD, and Franz, BA (2012).
Detection of coccolithophore blooms in ocean color satellite imagery: A generalized approach for use with multiple sensors
Remote Sensing of Environment, 117:249-263.

Ménesguen, C, Hua, BL, Carton, X, Klingelhoefer, F, Schnürle, P, and Reichert, C (2012).
Arms winding around a meddy seen in seismic reflection data close to the Morocco coastline.
Geophysical Research Letters, In press.

Nieto, K, Demarcq, H, and McClatchie, S (2012).
Mesoscale frontal structures in the Canary Upwelling System: New front and filament detection algorithms applied to spatial and temporal patterns
Remote Sensing of Environment, 123:339-346.

Payne, MC, Brown, CA, Reusser, DA, and Lee, H (2012).
Ecoregional Analysis of Nearshore Sea-Surface Temperature in the North Pacific
PLoS ONE, 7(1):e30105.

Qian, S (2012).
Construction of a high resolution biogeochemical climatology for Eastern Boundary Upwelling System: Case Study in Canary Upwelling System
PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland.

Rahmstorf, S, Foster, G, and Cazenave, A (2012).
Comparing climate projections to observations up to 2011
Environmental Research Letters, 7(4):044035.

Ramírez, R (2012).
The gastropod Osilinus atrata as a bioindicator of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contamination in the coastal waters of the Canary Islands
Chemistry and Ecology, iFirst:1–13.

Salah, S, Ettahiri, O, Berraho, A, Benazzouz, A, Elkalay, K, and Errhif, A (2012).
Distribution des copépodes en relation avec la dynamique du filament de Cap Ghir, (Côte atlantique du Maroc)
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 335(2):155-167.

Sambe, B (2012).
Response of epipelagic species to climate change in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
In: Frontline Observations on Climate Change and Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems, chap. 3, pp. 51-63, GEF/NOAA.

Sangermano, F and Ronald Eastman, J (2012).
A GIS framework for the refinement of species geographic ranges
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, In press:1-17.

Sangil, C, Sansón, M, Afonso-Carrillo, J, Herrera, R, Rodríguez, A, Martín-García, L, and Díaz-Villa, T (2012).
Changes in subtidal assemblages in a scenario of warming: Proliferations of ephemeral benthic algae in the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean)
Marine Environmental Research, 77:120-128.

Santos, F, deCastro, M, Gómez-Gesteira, M, and Álvarez, I (2012).
Differences in coastal and oceanic SST warming rates along the Canary Upwelling Ecosystem from 1982 to 2010.
Continental Shelf Research, 47:1-6.

Santos-Echeandía, J, Caetano, M, Brito, P, Canario, J, and Vale, C (2012).
The relevance of defining trace metal baselines in coastal waters at a regional scale: The case of the Portuguese coast (SW Europe)
Marine Environmental Research, 79:86-99.

« Septembre 2024 »
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