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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Allain, G (2004).
Biophysical modelling for recruitment prediction
Thèse de Doctorat Halieutique, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes, Rennes, France.

Bakun, A and Weeks, SJ (2004).
Greenhouse gas buildup, sardines, submarine eruptions and the possibility of abrupt degradation of intense marine upwelling ecosystems
Ecology Letters, 7(11):1015-1023.

Ballet, GT, Gzara, L, Hafiane, A, and Dhahbi, M (2004).
Transport coefficients and cadmium salt rejection in nanofiltration membrane
Desalination, 167:369-376.

Banaoui, A, Chiffoleau, J, Moukrim, A, Burgeot, T, Kaaya, A, Auger, D, and Rozuel, E (2004).
Trace metal distribution in the mussel Perna perna along the Moroccan coast
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48(3-4):385-390.

Bustamante, P and Miramand, P (2004).
Interspecific and geographical variations of trace element concentrations in Pectinidae from European waters
Chemosphere, 57(10):1355-1362.

Celik, U, Cakli, S, and Oehlenschläger, J (2004).
Determination of the lead and cadmium burden in some northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean fish species by DPSAV
European Food Research and Technology, 218(3):298-305.

Claustre, H, Hooker, SB, Van Heukelem, L, Berthon, J, Barlow, R, Ras, J, Sessions, H, Targa, C, Thomas, CS, van der Linde, D, and Marty, J (2004).
An intercomparison of HPLC phytoplankton pigment methods using in situ samples: application to remote sensing and database activities
Marine Chemistry, 85(1–2):41–61.

Dagga, NA, Courel, MF, Badran, F, and Anselme, B (2004).
The evolution study of the natural hazard zones by the Kohonen self-organising map classification
In: XXth ISPRS Congress, pp. 6, Istanbul, Turkey, ISPRS.

dos Santos, A and Gonzlez-Gordillo, JI (2004).
Illustrated keys for the identification of the Pleocyemata (Crustacea: Decapoda) zoeal stages, from the coastal region of south-western Europe
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 84(1):205-227.

El Khalki, A, Gaudy, R, and Moncef, M (2004).
Étude des variations saisonnières du peuplement de copépodes de l’estuaire de l’Oum Er Rbia (côte atlantique du Maroc): impact de la pollution urbaine de la ville d’Azemmour
Mar. Life, 14(1-2):19-29.

Froidefond, J and Doxaran, D (2004).
Télédétection optique appliquée à l'étude des eaux côtières
Télédétection, 4(2):579-597.

Grosjean, P, Picheral, M, Warembourg, C, and Gorsky, G (2004).
Enumeration, Measurement, and Identification of Net Zooplankton Samples Using the ZOOSCAN Digital Imaging System
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 61(4):518-525.

Henshaw, SL, Curriero, FC, Shields, TM, Glass, GE, Strickland, PT, and Breysse, PN (2004).
Geostatistics and GIS: Tools for Characterizing Environmental Contamination
Journal of Medical Systems, 28(4):335-348.

Holz, C (2004).
Climate-induced variability of fluvial and aeolian sediment supply and gravity-driven sediment transport off Northwest Africa
PhD thesis, University of Bremen.

Holz, C, Stuut, JW, and Henrich, R (2004).
Terrigenous sedimentation processes along the continental margin off NW Africa: implications from grain‐size analysis of seabed sediments
Sedimentology, 51(5):1145-1154.

Idrissi, M, Ait Laamel, M, Hourimeche, A, and Chagdali, M (2004).
Impact of the swell on the current morphological and sedimentary evolution of the coastal zone of Casablanca“Mohammedia" (Morocco)
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 39(3-5):541-548.

Ifremer (2004).
Rapport d'activités 2004 du Département « Polluants Chimiques »
IFREMER, Direction de l'Environnement et de l'Aménagement Littoral, Annual Activity Report(R.INT.DEL-PC/2005.01/Nantes), Nantes, France.

Jager, T, Crommentuijn, T, van Gestel, CAM, and Kooijman, SALM (2004).
Simultaneous Modeling of Multiple End Points in Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests
Environmental Science & Technology, 38(10):2894–2900.

Kuhlmann, H (2004).
Reconstruction of the sedimentary history offshore NW Africa: Application of core-logging tools
PhD Thesis, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany.

Kuhlmann, H, Freudenthal, T, Helmke, P, and Meggers, H (2004).
Reconstruction of paleoceanography off NW Africa during the last 40,000 years: influence of local and regional factors on sediment accumulation
Marine Geology, 207(1-4):209-224.

Lebourges-Dhaussy, A and Ballé-Béganton, J (2004).
Multifrequency multimodel zooplankton classification
ICES CM, 22(R:22).

Maanan, M, Zourarah, B, Carruesco, C, Aajjane, A, and Naud, J (2004).
The distribution of heavy metals in the Sidi Moussa lagoon sediments (Atlantic Moroccan Coast)
Journal of African Earth Sciences, 39(3-5):473-483.

Mahadevan, A, Lévy, M, and Mémery, L (2004).
Mesoscale variability of sea surface pCO2: What does it respond to?
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 18(GB1017):1-35.

Marchant, R and Hooghiemstra, H (2004).
Rapid environmental change in African and South American tropics around 4000 years before present: a review
Earth-Science Reviews, 66(3-4):217-260.

Marchesiello, P, Herbette, S, Nykjaer, L, and Roy, C (2004).
Eddy-driven dispersion processes in the Canary Current upwelling system: comparison with the California system
International GLOBEC Newsletter, 10(1):5–8.

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