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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Lares, ML, Rivero, LE, and Huerta-Diaz, MA (2005).
Cd concentration in the soft tissue vs. the nacreous layer of Mytilus californianus
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50(11):1373-1381.

Luoma, SN and Rainbow, PS (2005).
Why is metal bioaccumulation so variable? Biodynamics as a unifying concept
Environmental Science & Technology, 39(7):1921-1931.

Lévy, M, Lehahn, Y, André, J, Mémery, L, Loisel, H, and Heifetz, E (2005).
Production regimes in the northeast Atlantic: A study based on Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) chlorophyll and ocean general circulation model mixed layer depth
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(C07S10).

Makaoui, A, Orbi, A, Hilmi, K, Zizah, S, Larissi, J, and Talbi, M (2005).
L'upwelling de la côte atlantique du Maroc entre 1994 et 1998
Comptes Rendus Geosciences, 337(16):1518-1524.

Martin, S (2005).
La résilience dans les modèles de systèmes écologiques et sociaux
Thèse de Doctorat, École Normale Supérieure, Cachan, France.

MATEE (2005).
Rapport relatif au Plomb et Cadmium
Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Eau et de l’Environnement, Royaume du Maroc.

Migliarini, B, Campisi, A, Maradonna, F, Truzzi, C, Annibaldi, A, Scarponi, G, and Carnevali, O (2005).
Effects of cadmium exposure on testis apoptosis in the marine teleost Gobius niger
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 142(1–2):241-247.

Moustaid, K, Nasser, B, Baudrimont, I, Anane, R, El Idrissi, M, Bouzidi, A, and Creppy, EE (2005).
Évaluation comparée de la toxicité des moules (Mytilus galloprovincialis) de deux sites du littoral atlantique marocain sur des souris
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 328(3):281-289.

Mémery, L, Reverdin, G, Paillet, J, and Oschlies, A (2005).
Introduction to the POMME special section: Thermocline ventilation and biogeochemical tracer distribution in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and impact of mesoscale dynamics
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(C07S01).

Ould Taleb Ould Sidi, M (2005).
Les ressources de petits pélagiques en Mauritanie et dans la zone nord ouest africaine: variabilité spatiale et temporelle, dynamique et diagnostic
PhD, Agrocampus Rennes - Pôle Halieutique, Rennes.

Pelegrí, J, Arístegui, J, Cana, L, González-Dávila, M, Hernández-Guerra, A, Hernández-León, S, Marrero-Díaz, A, Montero, M, Sangrà, P, and Santana-Casiano, M (2005).
Coupling between the open ocean and the coastal upwelling region off northwest Africa: water recirculation and offshore pumping of organic matter
Journal of Marine Systems, 54(1-4):3-37.

Pelegrí, JL, Marrero-Díaz, A, Ratsimandresy, A, Antoranz, A, Cisneros-Aguirre, J, Gordo, C, Grisolía, D, Hernández-Guerra, A, Láiz, I, Martínez, A, Parrilla, G, Pérez-Rodríguez, P, Rodríguez-Santana, A, and Sangrà, P (2005).
Hydrographic cruises off northwest Africa: the Canary Current and the Cape Ghir region
Journal of Marine Systems, 54(1–4):39–63.

Santos, AMP, Kazmin, AS, and Peliz, A (2005).
Decadal changes in the Canary upwelling system as revealed by satellite observations: Their impact on productivity
Journal of Marine Research, 63(2):359-379.

Seebaugh, DR, Goto, D, and Wallace, WG (2005).
Bioenhancement of cadmium transfer along a multi-level food chain
Marine environmental research, 59(5):473-491.

Shchepetkin, AF and McWilliams, JC (2005).
The regional oceanic modeling system (ROMS): a split-explicit, free-surface, topography-following-coordinate oceanic model
Ocean Modelling, 9(4):347-404.

Sidoumou, Z, Gnassia-Barelli, M, Siau, Y, Morton, V, and Roméo, M (2005).
Distribution and Concentration of Trace Metals in Tissues of Different Fish Species from the Atlantic Coast of Western Africa
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 74(5):988-995.

Somoue, L, Elkhiati, N, Ramdani, M, Hoai, TL, Ettahiri, O, Berraho, A, and Chi, TD (2005).
Abundance and structure of copepod communities along the Atlantic coast of southern Morocco
Acta Adriatica, 46(1):63-76.

Stuut, J, Zabel, M, Ratmeyer, V, Helmke, P, Schefuß, E, Lavik, G, and Schneider, R (2005).
Provenance of present-day eolian dust collected off NW Africa
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110:14 PP..

Szlafsztein, CF and Sterr, H (2005).
Climate change, sea-level rise and coastal natural hazards: A GIS-based vulnerability assessment, State of Pará, Brazil
In: Proceedings of the International workshop on human security and climate change, pp. 21–23, Asker, Brazil.

Tahiri, L, Bennasser, L, Idrissi, L, Fekhaoui, M, El Abidi, A, and Mouradi, A (2005).
Contamination métallique de Mytilus galloprovincialis et des sédiments au niveau de l’estuaire de Bouregreg (Maroc) Metal Contamination of Mytilus galloprovincialis and Sediments in the Bouregreg Estuary (Morocco)
Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 40(1):111-119.

University, Y (2005).
Morocco Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI)
Miscellaneous publication.

Waeles, M, Riso, RD, and Le Corre, P (2005).
Seasonal variations of cadmium speciation in the Penzé estuary, NW France
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 65(1-2):143-152.

Wynn, RB, Akhmetzhanov, A, Cronin, B, Talling, P, Masson, D, and Frenz, M (2005).
Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Agadir channel and basin offshore NW Morocco: Initial results of CD166
In: IOC Workshop Report, vol. 197, pp. 51-52, Marrakech, Morocco 2 - 5 February 2005, UNESCO-IOC.

Abbad, M, Abdallaoui, GM, and Benomar, G (2004).
Utilisation de la programmation dynamique dans la modélisation de la pecherie de la sardine au Maroc. Dynamic Programming and the Moroccan Sardine Fishery System
RAIRO Operations Research, 38(3):215-225.

Achy, L and Sekkat, K (2004).
Globalization, Employment and Poverty reduction: The Case of Morocco
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Institut National de Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée (INSEA), Rabat, Morocco.

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