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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Gama-Flores, J, Sarma, S, and Adams, S (2006).
Effect of cadmium level and exposure time on the competition between zooplankton species Moina macrocopa (Cladocera) and Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotifera)
Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 41(6):1057-1070.

Giraud, X (2006).
Modelling an alkenone-like proxy record in the NW African upwelling
Biogeosciences, 3(3):251-;269.

Gourmelon, F, Robin, M, Creuseveau, JG, Pennober, G, Silva, ASd, Affian, K, Hauhouot, C, and Pottier, P (2006).
Contraintes d'utilisation des technologies de l'information géographique pour la gestion intégrée des zones côtières en Afrique
VertigO, 7(3).

Harley, CDG, Randall Hughes, A, Hultgren, KM, Miner, BG, Sorte, CJB, Thornber, CS, Rodriguez, LF, Tomanek, L, and Williams, SL (2006).
The impacts of climate change in coastal marine systems
Ecology letters, 9(2):228-241.

Holland, HD, Turekian, KK, and Elderfield, H (2006).
The oceans and marine geochemistry
Elsevier, vol. 6. Treatise on Geochemistry. (ISBN: 9780080451015).

Hooghiemstra, H, Lézine, A, Leroy, SA, Dupont, L, and Marret, F (2006).
Late Quaternary palynology in marine sediments: A synthesis of the understanding of pollen distribution patterns in the NW African setting
Quaternary International, 148(1):29-44.

Janssen, MA and Ostrom, E (2006).
Resilience, vulnerability, and adaptation: A cross-cutting theme of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change
Global Environmental Change, 16(3):237-239.

Janssen, MA, Ostrom, E, Tesfatsion, L, and Judd, K (2006).
Chapter 30 Governing Social-Ecological Systems
In: Handbook of Computational Economics, vol. Volume 2, pp. 1465–1509, Elsevier.

Jardine, TD, Kidd, KA, and Fisk, AT (2006).
Applications, Considerations, and Sources of Uncertainty When Using Stable Isotope Analysis in Ecotoxicology
Environ. Sci. Technol., 40(24):7501-7511.

Kamili, A (2006).
Bio-économie et gestion de la pêcherie des petits pélagiques. Cas de l'Atlantique Centre Marocain
Master thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Kerswell, AP (2006).
Global biodiversity patterns of benthic marine algae
Ecology, 87(10):2479–2488.

Krastel, S, Wynn, RB, Hanebuth, TJJ, Henrich, R, Holz, C, Meggers, H, Kuhlmann, H, Georgiopoulou, A, and Schulz, HD (2006).
Mapping of seabed morphology and shallow sediment structure of the Mauritania continental margin, Northwest Africa: some implications for geohazard potential
Norwegian Journal of Geology, 86(3):-176.

Kungolos, A, Brebbia, CA, Samaras, CP, and Popov, V (2006).
Environmental toxicology
WIT Press. (ISBN: 9781845640453).

Laouina, A (2006).
Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et de la biodiversité au Maroc
Haut Commissariat au Plan, Rabat, Morocco.

Locarnini, RA, Mishonov, AV, Antonov, JI, Boyer, TP, and Garcia, HE (2006).
World Ocean Atlas 2005, vol. 1, Temperature
NOAA, Silver Spring, Md.

McClusky, LM (2006).
Stage-dependency of apoptosis and the blood-testis barrier in the dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias): cadmium-induced changes as assessed by vital fluorescence techniques
Cell and Tissue Research, 325(3):541-553.

Mchich, R, Charouki, N, Auger, P, Raïssi, N, and Ettahiri, O (2006).
Optimal spatial distribution of the fishing effort in a multi fishing zone model
Ecological Modelling, 197(3-4):274-280.

Morin, S (2006).
Bioindication des effets des pollutions métalliques sur les communautés de diatomées benthiques. Approches in situ et expérimentales
PhD Thesis, Univ. Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France.

Nowald, N, Karakas, G, Ratmeyer, V, Fischer, G, Schlitzer, R, Davenport, RA, and Wefer, G (2006).
Distribution and transport processes of marine particulate matter off Cape Blanc (NW-Africa): results from vertical camera profiles
Ocean Science Discussions, 3(4):903-938.

Olsson, P, Gunderson, LH, Carpenter, SR, Ryan, P, Lebel, L, Folke, C, and Holling, CS (2006).
Shooting the Rapids: Navigating Transitions to Adaptive Governance of Social-Ecological Systems
Ecology and Society, 11(1).

Paulay, G and Meyer, C (2006).
Dispersal and divergence across the greatest ocean region: Do larvae matter?
Integrative and Comparative Biology, 46(3):269-281.

Pearce, NJ and Mann, VL (2006).
Trace metal variations in the shells of Ensis siliqua record pollution and environmental conditions in the sea to the west of mainland Britain
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52(7):739-755.

Pradhan, Y, Lavender, SJ, Hardman-Mountford, NJ, and Aiken, J (2006).
Seasonal and inter-annual variability of chlorophyll-a concentration in the Mauritanian upwelling: Observation of an anomalous event during 1998-1999
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 53(14-16):1548-1559.

Ramirez, R, Collado, C, Bergasa, O, Hernandez, JJ, and Gelado, MD (2006).
Gastropod molluscs as indicators of the cadmium natural inputs in the Canarian Archipelago (Eastern Atlantic Ocean)
In: Environmental Toxicology, pp. 203–211, WIT Press.

Ramzi, A, Hbid, M, and Ettahiri, O (2006).
Larval dynamics and recruitment modelling of the Moroccan Atlantic coast sardine (Sardina pilchardus)
Ecological Modelling, 197(3-4):296-302.

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