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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Atarhouch, T, Rüber, L, Gonzalez, EG, Albert, EM, Rami, M, Dakkak, A, and Zardoya, R (2006).
Signature of an early genetic bottleneck in a population of Moroccan sardines (Sardina pilchardus)
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 39(2):373-383.

Atillah, A and Benazzouz, A (2006).
Génération d’indices d’upwelling à partir de l’observation spatiale pour la caractérisation et le suivi de la dynamique d’upwelling marocain : perspectives halieutiques
Miscellaneous publication.

Aumont, O and Bopp, L (2006).
Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20(GB2017).

Azdi, M, Moukrim, A, Burgeot, T, Budzinski, H, Chiffoleau, JF, Kaaya, A, Zekhnini, A, Narbonne, JF, and Guarrigues, P (2006).
Hydrocarbon pollution along Moroccan coasts and BPH activity in the mussel Perna perna
Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 26(4):265-282.

Baker, A, Jickells, T, Witt, M, and Linge, K (2006).
Trends in the solubility of iron, aluminium, manganese and phosphorus in aerosol collected over the Atlantic Ocean
Marine Chemistry, 98(1):43-58.

Benabdellouahad, S (2006).
Structure, dynamique et typologies physico-chimiques et phytoplanctoniques de l'estuaire du Bou Regreg (Côte Atlantique Marocaine)
PhD Thesis, Université Mohamed V - Agdal Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco.

Benbrahim, S, Chafik, A, Chfiri, R, Fatima, Z, Siefeddine, M, and Makaoui, A (2006).
Etude des facteurs influençant la répartition géographique et temporelle de la contamination des côtes atlantiques marocaines par les métaux lourds: cas du mercure, du plomb et du cadmium
Marine life, 16(1-2):37-47.

Bergasa, O, Ramírez, R, Collado, C, Hernández-Brito, JJ, Gelado-Caballero, MD, Rodríguez-Somozas, M, and Haroun, RJ (2006).
Study of metals concentration levels in Patella piperata throughout the Canary Islands, Spain
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127(1-3):127-133.

Berraho, A (2006).
Évaluation du milieu marin
Cinquante ans de développement humain au Maroc, Contribution(GT8-5BIS), Rabat, Morocco.

Boularbah, A, Schwartz, C, Bitton, G, and Morel, JL (2006).
Heavy metal contamination from mining sites in South Morocco: 1. Use of a biotest to assess metal toxicity of tailings and soils
Chemosphere, 63(5):802-810.

Bouthir, FZ, Benbrahim, S, Chafik, A, Souabi, S, and Sifeddine, M (2006).
Mercury Accumulation in the Mussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis, and the Flat Head Grey Mullet Mugil Cephalus, the White Seabream Diplodus Sargus Fish, in the Coast of the Wilaya of Big Casablanca at the Atlantic Site of Morocco
Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 8(3):215–224.

Brehmer, P, Chi, TD, and Mouillot, D (2006).
Amphidromous fish school migration revealed by combining fixed sonar monitoring (horizontal beaming) with fishing data
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 334(1):139-150.

Brehmer, P, Lafont, T, Georgakarakos, S, Josse, E, Gerlotto, F, and Collet, C (2006).
Omnidirectional multibeam sonar monitoring: applications in fisheries science
Fish and Fisheries, 7(3):165-179.

Bécognée, P, Almeida, C, Barrera, A, Hernández‐guerra, A, and Hernández‐león, S (2006).
Annual cycle of clupeiform larvae around Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands
Fisheries Oceanography, 15(4):293-300.

Collado, C, Ramírez, R, Bergasa, O, Hernández-Brito, JJ, Gelado-Caballero, MD, and Haroun, RJ (2006).
Heavy metals(Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in two species of limpets(Patella rustica and Patella candei crenata) in the Canary Islands, Spain
In: Water Pollution VIII: Modelling, Monitoring and Management, vol. 1, pp. 45–53.

De La Rocha, CL (2006).
The Biological Pump
In: Editor: Henry Elderfield. Executive Editors: Heinrich D. Holland and Karl K. Turekian: Treatise on Geochemistry. The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry, vol. 6, pp. 83–111, Elsevier.

Diouf, K, Panfili, J, Labonne, M, Aliaume, C, Tomás, J, and Do Chi, T (2006).
Effects of salinity on strontium: calcium ratios in the otoliths of the West African black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron in a hypersaline estuary
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 77(1):9-;20.

Eberwein, A and Mackensen, A (2006).
Regional primary productivity differences off Morocco (NW-Africa) recorded by modern benthic foraminifera and their stable carbon isotopic composition
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 53(8):1379-1405.

Evan, AT, Heidinger, AK, and Knippertz, P (2006).
Analysis of winter dust activity off the coast of West Africa using a new 24-year over-water advanced very high resolution radiometer satellite dust climatology
Journal of Geophysical Research, 111:13 PP..

Falcó, G, Llobet, JM, Bocio, A, and Domingo, JL (2006).
Daily Intake of Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead by Consumption of Edible Marine Species
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54(16):6106-6112.

FAO (2006).
Contribution of fisheries to national economies in West and Central Africa - Policies to increase the wealth generated by small-scale fisheries
New Directions in Fisheries – A Series of Policy Briefs on Development Issues, 3:12.

Faucher, K, Fichet, D, Miramand, P, and Lagardère, JP (2006).
Impact of acute cadmium exposure on the trunk lateral line neuromasts and consequences on the “C-start” response behaviour of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.; Teleostei, Moronidae)
Aquatic Toxicology, 76(3–4):278–294.

Fernandes, P, Lebourges-Dhaussy, A, Masse, J, Iglesias, M, Diner, N, and Ona, E (2006).
The SIMFAMI project: species identification methods from acoustic multi-frequency information
European Union, Final Report to the EC(Q5RS-2001-02054).

Field, J, Francis, R, and Aydin, K (2006).
Top-down modeling and bottom-up dynamics: Linking a fisheries-based ecosystem model with climate hypotheses in the Northern California Current
Progress In Oceanography, 68(2-4):238-270.

Fleming, L, Broad, K, Clement, A, Dewailly, E, Elmir, S, Knap, A, Pomponi, S, Smith, S, Gabriele, HS, and Walsh, P (2006).
Oceans and human health: Emerging public health risks in the marine environment
Marine pollution bulletin, 53(10-12):545-560.

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