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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Merino, G, Maynou, F, and García-Olivares, A (2007).
Effort dynamics in a fisheries bioeconomic model: A vessel level approach through Game Theory
Scientia Marina, 71(3):537-550.

Merino, G, Maynou, F, and García-Olivares, A (2007).
A new bioeconomic simulation tool for small scale fisheries based on game theory: GAMEFISTO model
Aquatic Living Resources, 20(3):8.

Nakhlé, K, Cossa, D, Claisse, D, Beliaeff, B, and Simon, S (2007).
Cadmium and mercury in Seine Estuary flounders and mussels: the results of two decades of monitoring
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 64(5):929-938.

Neuer, S, Cianca, A, Helmke, P, Freudenthal, T, Davenport, R, Meggers, H, Knoll, M, Santana-Casiano, JM, González-Davila, M, Rueda, M, and Llinás, O (2007).
Biogeochemistry and hydrography in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic gyre. Results from the European time-series station ESTOC
Progress In Oceanography, 72(1):1-29.

Parry, ML, Canziani, O, Palutikof, J, van der Linden, P, and Hanson, C (2007).
Climate Change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability : contribution of Working Group II to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K. (ISBN: 9780521880107).

Patil, GP, Joshi, SW, and Rathbun, SL (2007).
Hotspot geoinformatics, environmental risk, and digital governance
Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics, Pennsylvania State University.

Pauly, D (2007).
The "Sea Around Us" Project: Documenting and Communicating Global Fisheries Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 36(4):290-295.

Peterson, J, MacDonell, M, Haroun, L, Monette, FA, Hildebrand, RD, and Taboas, A (2007).
Radiological and Chemical Fact Sheets to Support Health Risk Analyses for Contaminated Areas - Cadmium
Argonne National Laboratory Environmental Science Division.

Richter, D, Vink, A, Zonneveld, KA, Kuhlmann, H, and Willems, H (2007).
Calcareous dinoflagellate cyst distributions in surface sediments from upwelling areas off NW Africa, and their relationships with environmental parameters of the upper water column
Marine Micropaleontology, 63(3-4):201-228.

Ripperger, S and Rehkämper, M (2007).
Precise determination of cadmium isotope fractionation in seawater by double spike MC-ICPMS
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(3):631-642.

Ripperger, S, Rehkämper, M, Porcelli, D, and Halliday, A (2007).
Cadmium isotope fractionation in seawater - A signature of biological activity
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 261(3-4):670-684.

Sangrà, P, Auladell, M, Marrero-Díaz, A, Pelegrí, J, Fraile-Nuez, E, Rodríguez-Santana, A, Martín, J, Mason, E, and Hernández-Guerra, A (2007).
On the nature of oceanic eddies shed by the Island of Gran Canaria
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(5):687-709.

Schiedek, D, Sundelin, B, Readman, JW, and Macdonald, RW (2007).
Interactions between climate change and contaminants
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54(12):1845-1856.

Sellin, M, Eidem, T, and Kolok, A (2007).
Cadmium Exposures in Fathead Minnows: Are There Sex-Specific Differences in Mortality, Reproductive Success, and Cd Accumulation?
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 52(4):535-540.

Thouvenin, B, Gonzalez, JL, Chiffoleau, JF, Boutier, B, and Le Hir, P (2007).
Modelling Pb and Cd dynamics in the Seine estuary
Hydrobiologia, 588(1):109–124.

Thébault, J, Chauvaud, L, Clavier, J, Guarini, J, Dunbar, RB, Fichez, R, Mucciarone, DA, and Morize, E (2007).
Reconstruction of seasonal temperature variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean from the shell of the scallop, Comptopallium radula
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(4):918-;928.

Union, E (2007).
Règlement (CE) n o 333/2007 de la Commission du 28 mars 2007 portant fixation des modes de prélèvement d'échantillons et des méthodes d'analyse pour le contrôle officiel des teneurs en plomb, en cadmium, en mercure, en étain inorganique, en 3-MCPD et en benzo(a)pyrène dans les denrées alimentaires
Miscellaneous publication.

Woodworth, P, Aman, A, and Aarup, T (2007).
Sea level monitoring in Africa
African Journal of Marine Science, 29(3):321–330.

Wu, RS, Lau, T, Fung, WK, Ko, P, and Leung, KM (2007).
An 'artificial mussel' for monitoring heavy metals in marine environments
Environmental Pollution, 145(1):104-110.

Zourarah, B, Maanan, M, Carruesco, C, Aajjane, A, Mehdi, K, and Conceição Freitas, M (2007).
Fifty-year sedimentary record of heavy metal pollution in the lagoon of Oualidia (Moroccan Atlantic coast)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 72(1-2):359-369.

Ługowska, K (2007).
The effect of cadmium and cadmium/copper mixture during the embryonic development on deformation of common carp lavae.
Electronic Journal of Ichthyology, 2:46–60.

Ait Alla, A, Gillet, P, Deutsch, B, Moukrim, A, and Bergayou, H (2006).
Response of Nereis diversicolor (Polychaeta, Nereidae) populations to reduced wastewater discharge in the polluted estuary of Oued Souss, Bay of Agadir, Morocco
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 70(4):633-642.

Ait Fdil, M, Mouabad, A, Outzourhit, A, Benhra, A, Maarouf, A, and Pihan, JC (2006).
Valve movement response of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to metals (Cu, Hg, Cd and Zn) and phosphate industry effluents from Moroccan Atlantic coast
Ecotoxicology, 15(5):477-486.

Arai, T, Ohji, M, and Hirata, T (2006).
Trace Metal Deposition in Teleost Fish Otolith as an Environmental Indicator
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 179(1-4):255-263.

Arístegui, J, Alvarez-Salgado, XA, Barton, ED, Figueiras, FG, Hernández-León, S, Roy, C, and Santos, AMP (2006).
Chapter 23. Oceanography and fisheries of the Canary Current/Iberian region of the eastern North Atlantic
In: The Global Coastal Ocean. Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Synthesis, vol. 14, pp. 877-931, Harvard University Press. The Seas.

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