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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Croteau, M, Luoma, SN, and Pellet, B (2007).
Determining metal assimilation efficiency in aquatic invertebrates using enriched stable metal isotope tracers
Aquatic Toxicology, 83(2):116-125.

Donguy, G, Pandard, P, and Grand, C (2007).
Evaluation des risques pour les écosystèmes dans le domaine des sites pollués. Définitions, concepts et usages des outils existants

Dorneles, PR, Lailson-Brito, J, dos Santos, RA, Silva da Costa, PA, Malm, O, Azevedo, AF, and Machado Torres, JP (2007).
Cephalopods and cetaceans as indicators of offshore bioavailability of cadmium off Central South Brazil Bight
Environmental Pollution, 148(1):352-;359.

El Khalki, A and Moncef, M (2007).
Étude du peuplement de copépodes de l'estuaires de l'Oum er Rbia (Côte atlantique du Maroc): Effets des marées et des lâchers de barrages
Lebanese Science Journal, 8(1):3.

Faraj, A and Bez, N (2007).
Spatial considerations for the Dakhla stock of Octopus vulgaris: indicators, patterns, and fisheries interactions
ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 64(9):1820-1828.

Fenger, T, Surge, D, Schöne, B, and Milner, N (2007).
Sclerochronology and geochemical variation in limpet shells (Patella vulgata): A new archive to reconstruct coastal sea surface temperature
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8:17 PP..

Finkel, ZV, Quigg, AS, Chiampi, RK, Schofield, OE, and Falkowski, PG (2007).
Phylogenetic Diversity in Cadmium: Phosphorus Ratio Regulation by Marine Phytoplankton
Limnology and Oceanography, 52(3):1131-1138.

Gaudry, A, Zeroual, S, Gaie-Levrel, F, Moskura, M, Boujrhal, FZ, El Moursli, RC, Guessous, A, Mouradi, A, Givernaud, T, and Delmas, R (2007).
Heavy Metals Pollution of the Atlantic Marine Environment by the Moroccan Phosphate Industry, as Observed through their Bioaccumulation in Ulva Lactuca
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 178(1):267-285.

Gonzalez, EG and Zardoya, R (2007).
Relative role of life-history traits and historical factors in shaping genetic population structure of sardines (Sardina pilchardus)
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7:197-197.

González-Dávila, M, Santana-Casiano, JM, and González-Dávila, EF (2007).
Interannual variability of the upper ocean carbon cycle in the northeast Atlantic Ocean
Geophysical Research Letters, 34:7 PP..

Gregg, W and Casey, N (2007).
Modeling coccolithophores in the global oceans
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(5-7):447-477.

Harrison, DE and Carson, M (2007).
Is the World Ocean Warming? Upper-Ocean Temperature Trends: 1950–2000
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37(2):174-187.

Hernández-León, S, Gómez, M, and Arístegui, J (2007).
Mesozooplankton in the Canary Current System: The coastal-ocean transition zone
Progress In Oceanography, 74(2-3):397-421.

Hilmi, K and Hlimi, R (2007).
Sea level monitoring in Morocco
, Rabat, Morocco.

Holz, C, Stuut, JW, Henrich, R, and Meggers, H (2007).
Variability in terrigenous sedimentation processes off northwest Africa and its relation to climate changes: Inferences from grain-size distributions of a Holocene marine sediment record
Sedimentary Geology, 202(3):499-508.

Hufty, M (2007).
La gouvernance est-elle un concept opérationnel?
Fédéralisme Régionalisme (On Line), 7(2- Société civile, globalisation, gouvernance : aux origines d’un nouvel ordre politique ?).

Hufty, M, Freire, A, Plagnat, P, and Neumann, V (2007).
Jeux de gouvernance: regards et réflexions sur un concept
Karthala Éditions. Développements.

Khalil, H, Hamiani, O, Bitton, G, Ouazzani, N, and Boularbah, A (2007).
Heavy metal contamination from mining sites in South Morocco: Monitoring metal content and toxicity of soil runoff and groundwater
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 136(1-3):147-160.

Kourradi, R (2007).
Evaluation du degré de la pollution anthropique de l’estuaire de Bou Regreg et impact sur la biologie et dynamique de Scrobicularia plana (Linné, 1758) et Solen marginatus (Linné, 1767)
Thèse Doctorat ès Sciences, Université Mohamed V - Agdal Faculté des Sciences, Rabat, Morocco.

Lett, C, Penven, P, Ayón, P, and Fréon, P (2007).
Enrichment, concentration and retention processes in relation to anchovy (Engraulis ringens) eggs and larvae distributions in the northern Humboldt upwelling ecosystem
Journal of Marine Systems, 64(1-4):189-200.

Liu, Z, Wang, Y, Gallimore, R, Gasse, F, Johnson, T, deMenocal, P, Adkins, J, Notaro, M, Prentice, I, Kutzbach, J, Jacob, R, Behling, P, Wang, L, and Ong, E (2007).
Simulating the transient evolution and abrupt change of Northern Africa atmosphere-ocean-terrestrial ecosystem in the Holocene
Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(13-14):1818-1837.

Maanan, M (2007).
Biomonitoring of heavy metals using Mytilus galloprovincialis in Safi coastal waters, Morocco
Environmental toxicology, 22(5):525-531.

Marchesiello, P and Estrade, P (2007).
Eddy activity and mixing in upwelling systems: a comparative study of Northwest Africa and California regions
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98(2):299-308.

Masski, H, Idrissi-Malouli, M, Ben Azzouz, A, El Malki, Z, and Kifani, S (2007).
Chaloupe - Cas d'étude Maroc. Structuration des peuplements de fonds et dynamiques environnementales
Miscellaneous publication.

McGregor, HV, Dima, M, Fischer, HW, and Mulitza, S (2007).
Rapid 20th-Century Increase in Coastal Upwelling off Northwest Africa
Science, 315(5812):637-639.

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