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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Sumaila, R and Cheung, WWL (2010).
Cost of adapting fisheries to climate change
World Bank.

Tamelander, J, Herr, D, and Laffoley, D (2010).
Managing Large Marine Ecosystems for Climate Change Mitigation
In: Sustainable Development of the World’s Large Marine Ecosystems during Climate Change: A commemorative volume to advance sustainable development on the occasion of the presentation of the 2010 Göteborg Award, pp. 203–221, IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Teck, SJ, Halpern, BS, Kappel, CV, Micheli, F, Selkoe, KA, Crain, CM, Martone, R, Shearer, C, Arvai, J, Fischhoff, B, Murray, G, Neslo, R, and Cooke, R (2010).
Using expert judgment to estimate marine ecosystem vulnerability in the California Current
Ecological Applications, 20(5):1402-1416.

Touchan, R, Anchukaitis, KJ, Meko, DM, Sabir, M, Attalah, S, and Aloui, A (2010).
Spatiotemporal drought variability in northwestern Africa over the last nine centuries
Climate Dynamics, On line first.

Trainer, V, Pitcher, G, Reguera, B, and Smayda, T (2010).
The distribution and impacts of harmful algal bloom species in eastern boundary upwelling systems
Progress in Oceanography, 85(1–2):33–52.

Troupin, C, Sangrà, P, and Arístegui, J (2010).
Seasonal variability of the oceanic upper layer and its modulation of biological cycles in the Canary Island region
Journal of Marine Systems, 80(3-4):172-183.

UNEP (2010).
Final review of scientific information on cadmium
UNEP/DTIE, UNEP/Chemicals Branch Report(GC26-INF-11), The Hague.

UNEP (2010).
Final review of scientific information on lead
UNEP/DTIE, UNEP/Chemicals Branch Report(GC26-INF-11-Add-1), The Hague.

Ungherese, G, Mengoni, A, Somigli, S, Baroni, D, Focardi, S, and Ugolini, A (2010).
Relationship between heavy metals pollution and genetic diversity in Mediterranean populations of the sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Montagu) (Crustacea, Amphipoda)
Environmental Pollution, 158(5):1638-1643.

Union, E (2010).
Procès-Verbal de la cinquième commission mixte de l'accord de partenariat dans le secteur de la pêche entre le Royaume du Maroc et la Commission Européenne. Rabat, 2-3 février 2010.
Miscellaneous publication.

Ussher, SJ, Achterberg, EP, Sarthou, G, Laan, P, de Baar, HJ, and Worsfold, PJ (2010).
Distribution of size fractionated dissolved iron in the Canary Basin
Marine environmental research, 70(1):46-55.

Vieira, C, Morais, S, Ramos, S, Delerue-Matos, C, and Oliveira, MBPP (2010).
Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic levels in three pelagic fish species from the Atlantic Ocean: Intra- and inter-specific variability and human health risks for consumption
Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Wang, F, Macdonald, RW, Stern, GA, and Outridge, PM (2010).
When noise becomes the signal: Chemical contamination of aquatic ecosystems under a changing climate
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60(10):1633-1635.

Wang, M (2010).
Prediction of cadmium toxicity in marine phytoplankton
PhD Thesis, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China.

Wang, M, Overland, JE, and Bond, NA (2010).
Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems
Journal of Marine Systems, 79(3-4):258-266.

Weigel, JY (2010).
The social-ecological system approach: a concept to assess the consequences of climate alterations on Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem coastal communities and to propose governance adaptations. Social-environmental vulnerabilities, societal resilience factors, governance adaptations”. Invited Communication at CCLME Inception Worshop (2-3 November, 2010, Dakar).
Miscellaneous publication.

WHO (2010).
Exposure to cadmium: A Major public health concern
Miscellaneous publication.

Zarriess, M and Mackensen, A (2010).
The tropical rainbelt and productivity changes off northwest Africa: A 31,000-year high-resolution record
Marine Micropaleontology, 76(3-4):76-91.

Zizah, S, Ettahiri, O, and Hasnaoui, M (2010).
Chlorophyll variation versus hydrological conditions southern moroccan atlantic coast blanc cape bojdor cape
Rapports Commission internationale de la Mer Méditerranée, 39:416.

Zonneveld, K, Bogus, K, Dekeyzer, S, Goldhammer, T, Günter, M, Hirschmann, K, Kallweit, W, Schröder, F, Sokoll, S, and Versteegh, G (2010).
Report and preliminary results of RV POSEIDON Cruise P398, Las Palmas - Lissabon, 1 - 16 April 2010. PAPOCA - Production and preservation of organic carbon in relationship to dust input and nepheloid layers in the upwelling area off NW Africa
Universität Bremen, Cruise Report(282), Bremen, Germany.

Zonneveld, K, Kasten, S, Baumann, K, Barke, J, Bogus, K, Fink, C, Fraile-Ugalde, I, Haarmann, T, Marino, G, Meyer, I, Michel, J, Raitzsch, M, de Schepper, S, Stuut, J, Seiter, K, and Thal, J (2010).
Report and preliminary results of RV Poseidon Cruises P 366-1 and P 366-2, Las Palmas - Las Palmas - Vigo, 03 -19 May 2008 and 22 -30 May 2008. PERGAMOM Proxy Education and Research cruise off Galicai, Morocco and Mauretania.
Universität Bremen, Cruise Report(274), Bremen, Germany.

Zonneveld, KAF, Susek, E, and Fischer, G (2010).
Seasonal variability of the organic-walled dinoflagellatecyst production in the coastal upwelling region off cape Blanc (Mauritania): a five-year survey
Journal of Phycology, 46(1):202-215.

Étienne, M (2010).
La modélisation d'accompagnement: Une démarche participative en appui au développement durable
Editions Quae. Update -Sciences & Technologies. (ISBN: 2759206203).

Ahat, M, Amor, SB, Bui, M, Lamure, M, and Courel, MF (2009).
Pollution Modeling and Simulation with Multi-Agent and Pretopology
Complex Sciences, 4(1):225–231.

Allison, EH, Perry, AL, Badjeck, M, Adger, WN, Brown, K, Conway, D, Halls, AS, Pilling, GM, Reynolds, JD, Andrew, NL, and Dulvy, NK (2009).
Vulnerability of national economies to the impacts of climate change on fisheries
Fish and Fisheries, 10(2):173-196.

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