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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Le Croizier, G, Fall, M, Schaal, G, Le Grand, F, Le Loc'h, F, Munaron, J, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2015).
Bioaccumulation des éléments traces métalliques par les poissons marins du Sénégal : influence de l’écologie trophique
Miscellaneous publication.

Masski, H, De Stephanis, R, Abdellaoui, S, Ramirez, F, and Taï, I (2015).
Food web structure of two contrasting areas from upwelling systems off Morocco: a stable isotope approach
Miscellaneous publication.

Masski, H, De Stephanis, R, Labonne, M, Abdellaoui, S, Laë, R, Dabas, E, and Tai, I (2015).
Exploring fidelity of Sardines (Sardina pilchardus) to feeding grounds in the Atlantic Moroccan waters using stable isotope analyses (C, N) and otolith microchemistry
Miscellaneous publication.

Penicaud, V (2015).
Étude comparative de la bioaccumulation et de l’élimination du Cadmium chez deux espèces de poissons marins d’intérêt halieutique : le bar commun, Dicentrarchus labrax, et la sole sénégalaise, Solea senegalensis
Master thesis, Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.

Talba, S, Bouhallaoui, M, Labonne, M, Bouthir, F, Afandi, I, Oubraim, S, and Benhra, A (2015).
Biological impact and transfer of metal trace elements in Zeus faber : South Moroccan Atlantic coast
Miscellaneous publication.

Talba, S, Bouhallaoui, M, Zbiry, M, Elhaimeur, B, Oubraim, S, and Benhra, A (2015).
Le biomarqueur Métallothionéines comme outil d’évaluation d’impact et de diagnostic écotoxicologique chez les poissons : Application à la côte atlantique sud
Miscellaneous publication.

Talba, S, Bouhallaoui, M, Zbiry, M, Elhaimeur, B, Oubraim, S, and Benhra, A (2015).
Diagnostic écotoxicologique de deux espèces de poissons de la côte atlantique sud marocaine
Miscellaneous publication.

Tito de Morais, L (2015).
EPURE. Éléments trace métalliques, Pollution, Upwelling et REsources
Miscellaneous publication.

Fromant, G, Lebourges-Dhaussy, A, Deschamps, A, Floc'h, F, Piété, H, Perrot, Y, Roudaut, G, and Le Dantec, N (2014).
Acoustic inversion using two multifrequency profilers: the Aquascat 1000S and the TAPS
In: , Esbjerg, Denmark.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Sea surface temperature, temporal and latitudinal change in 3 large marine ecosystems (Celtic sea, South European Atlantic Shelf and Canary Current)
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Towards a climate resilient network of MPAs in the Eastern Central Atlantic
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Modeling Distribution of Fish Species in three Large Marine Regions using GIS and Satellite Data
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Sea surface temperature, temporal and latitudinal change in 3 large marine ecosystems (Celtic sea, South European Atlantic Shelf and Canary Current).
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Laë, R, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Towards a climate resilent network of MPAs in the Eastern Central Atlantic.
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Tito de Morais, L, and Laë, R (2014).
Mapping benthic zone of three large marine ecosystems (LME Canary Current, Iberian Coastal and Celtic-Biscay Shelf)
Miscellaneous publication.

Kaimuddin, A, Tito de Morais, L, and Laë, R (2014).
Mapping benthic zone of three large marine ecosystems (LME Canary Current, Iberian Coastal and Celtic-Biscay Shelf).
Miscellaneous publication.

Labonne, M, Masski, H, Talba, S, Tai, I, Laë, R, Bouthir, F, Bassoulet, C, and Tito de Morais, L (2014).
Characterization of otolith microchemical signatures from 3 fish species along the Moroccan coast: anthropogenic vs. natural inputs
Miscellaneous publication.

Pecquerie, L, Garrido, S, Ferreira, S, Santos, A, Ré, P, Nunes, C, Marques, G, Sousa, T, Fablet, R, and de Pontual, H (2014).
Growth increment formation in fish larvae otoliths. Exploring mechanisms with a bioenergetic modelling approach applied to Atlanto-Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus)
Miscellaneous publication.

Weigel, J, Charpin, A, and Khaladi, M (2014).
Propositions méthodologiques pour l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité et de la résilience d’une filière de production face à un aléa. Le cas de la filière sardinière marocaine
In: Résiliences en action, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.

Barton, E, Field, D, and Roy, C (2013).
Canary current upwelling: More or less?
Progress in Oceanography, 116:167–178.

Bechini, A and Vetrano, A (2013).
Management and storage of in situ oceanographic data: An ECM-based approach
Information Systems, 38(3):351–368.

Brotas, V, Brewin, RJ, Sá, C, Brito, AC, Silva, A, Mendes, CR, Diniz, T, Kaufmann, M, Tarran, G, Groom, SB, Platt, T, and Sathyendranath, S (2013).
Deriving phytoplankton size classes from satellite data: Validation along a trophic gradient in the eastern Atlantic Ocean
Remote Sensing of Environment, 134:66–77.

Cardeira, S, Rita, F, Relvas, P, and Cravo, A (2013).
Chlorophyll a and chemical signatures during an upwelling event off the South Portuguese coast (SW Iberia)
Continental Shelf Research, 52(1):133–149.

El Morhit, M, Belghity, D, and El Morhit, A (2013).
Metallic contamination in muscle of three fish species in the southern Atlantic coast at Laayoune (Morocco)
LARHYSS Journal, 15:21-34.

El Morhit, M, Belghity, D, and El Morhit, A (2013).
Contamination métallique de Pagellus acarne, Sardina pilchardus et Diplodus vulgaris de la côte atlantique sud (Maroc)
Larhyss Journal, 14:131–148.

« Septembre 2024 »
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